"I don't get it...why would he do this?" Cisco asked I stood off to the side while Cisco stared at the fake Reverse Flash intensively.

"There could be many reasons; maybe he didn't want to risk us catching him. But that doesn't explain something..." I started when I began to feel something off about this and many thoughts were racing through my mind.

"What is that?" Cisco questioned his hand waving in front of the fake Reverse Flash's face seeing no reaction from him.

"He felt so real when we fought him...if he's not really here that means that he was just a mirage." I answered Cisco looked at me confused as I looked back at him then at the fake Reverse Flash again.

"You mean like a delusion? Why would he do that?" Cisco asked looking back at the Reverse Flash.

"To make it seem like he is in two places at once..." I gasped my mind flashed back to when I saw the Reverse Flash enter the trap and then the camera went out, we couldn't see what was happening. Then the device malfunctioning and it wasn't by Cisco which meant there was only one person who could do this. My eyes went wide when I figured it out. "Wells..." Then a pressure went through my chest forcing a gasp out of my mouth. Glancing down I saw a hand vibrating through my chest and then saw Cisco jumped backwards.

"Correct...I guess I don't need you after all Lightning." Wells snickered behind me before ripping out his hand and tossing me to the side. My eyes remained open as I watched the horror unfolded before me until my last gasp.


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Lexxy was dead...killed right in front of me and now I was alone with the Reverse Flash terrified of what was coming next.

"You...How did you? Who are you?" I stuttered watching Wells move towards me, he began to vibrate and then he separated into two versions of himself.

"Miss. Simms was right...it's called a speed mirage. Very useful to make it look like you are in two places at once. As for my name...I am Eobard Thawne." Wells answered moving over to my computer and stood about a few feet from Lexxy's dead body.

"Why did you kill Barry's mother? Why kill Lexxy's Fiancé?" I asked seeing him close my laptop shutting down the force field behind me.

"I had no intention of killing either...I was there to kill them both...first with Lexxy I hoped to kill her in that fire along with her adopted parents but no she escaped...she wasn't home that night. As for Barry I was hoping to kill him to prevent the two of them from finding one another but he escaped too. And now for the last fifteen years I have been trying to find a way back home." Wells exclaimed moving back in front of me, I tightened my stance in front of him but I knew I was trapped.

"You were helping them...helping them get faster...they trusted you." I reminded which was when I saw Wells laugh slightly.

"No...Barry trusted me...Lexxy was suspicious of me...She was always the one who stood in the way....the only one who protects Barry...the one who sent him to stop me and save them." Wells exclaimed I remembered that Lexxy confronted Wells with his actions and we all just thought she was angry but she was right all along. I was starting to cry when I saw Wells's hand begin to vibrate again which told me I was next. "You know...this hurts me...because of you Cisco, you made me feel like I had a son for once but sadly that has to end. It is only because you have been dead to me for centuries." Before I could blink he drove his hand into my heart, my vision blurred and when he ripped his hand out I fell to the floor dead.

" Before I could blink he drove his hand into my heart, my vision blurred and when he ripped his hand out I fell to the floor dead

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I began moving faster and faster using my speed to shield the wave but I knew if I didn't run faster then everything would be wiped away. With one last push I felt myself be sucked into what looked like a hole because I was surrounded by this blue electrical energy. Around me I saw these strange images of past events that already happened I saw an opportunity to fix everything. Closing my eyes I thought about the morgue, maybe I could prevent the death of the coroner and stop Mardon before he could create the wave. I pushed through the portal until I found myself running through the empty dark city and then saw myself running through the city. We both looked at one another then he disappeared leaving just me running until I skidded to a halt. I saw I was standing in a courtyard like I was a few days ago...I don't know what happened but I knew this...I time traveled and saved the City. I erased everything that happened after this and now I can prevent it.

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