"I'm ready Blakey" Gwen says as she comes to the top of the step

Blake is more than happy to hear her call him Blakey again. He missed it more than he knew. As she makes it to the bottom of the steps, Blake pulls her into his arms.

"I love you Gwen."

"I love you too Blake, so much."

They both get into the car and make their way to hospital.
Blake parks the car and circles around to Gwen's door to help her out. They walk into the hospital and up to the desk. They don't see Lou at first which only intensifies Blake's need to stay with Gwen. Once they are checked in they sit in the waiting room.

"Gwen I'm going back with you this time. I don't care what their rules are. I'm not leaving you, not today. I just got you back."

"Blake, its not their rule that you can't go back with me." Gwen says looking at her lap

"What do you mean?"

"I had Lou tell you that because I didn't want you to see me like that. I'm so weak and look awful, that's not what I want you to see when you think about me." She said looking everywhere but at Blake

"Gwen baby, look at me. I don't think you're weak at all. I think the exact opposite. I think you're one of the strongest woman I know. Gwen you don't have to be brave all the time you know. I'm here to support you and be here for you. Don't shut me out ok? Please?"

"Thank you Blakey; I love you."

"I love you too Sunshine"
The time had come to head back to the chemotherapy treatment room and Gwen was so nervous that it would overwhelm Blake; after all he had only seen her after her treatments, never during.

As they made their way back Blake took her hand and reminded her "it's going to be okay Gwen...I am right here and I am not going anywhere."

How he knew exactly what to say and when to say it to ease her mind never ceased to amaze her.

As they walk into the room Blake takes in his surroundings. So many patients fighting to survive. He was in awe of how strong all of the people were. Some of them had family or friends there to support them and some didn't. It made his sad to think that Gwen went through this alone until he came along. He silently said a prayer thanking God that he placed him in Gwen's path.

Lou approached Gwen and asked "you ready to begin my friend? I see you brought company this time!"

"I am all set Lou and yes I did. Blake is going to sit with me today during my treatment" Gwen replied softly.

"Well I for one am glad that you are finally realizing that having someone who cares about you with you can have a positive affect on you!"

"Ok Lou...let's get started"

Blake observed Lou as she got Gwen ready to receive her treatment. He thought he knew how strong Gwen was by just choosing to fight, but seeing her get attached to the line that would send her treatment to her body made him realize the magnitude of the situation and put it into perspective. There was no way that he would ever forget to tell Gwen how proud he was of her.

"Blake you can sit right here with Gwen. You can help yourself to magazines, cards, whatever you'd like in the treatment area" Lou said.

"Thanks Lou...I appreciate it" he replied.

As time elapsed Blake could see Gwen was getting tired so he suggested she take a nap. She couldn't seem to fall asleep this time so he decided to read to her from the magazine.

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