Chapter 83: Revenge for the Cinnamon Roll

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"I'm gonna kill him!"

"PG, Joker. This isn't 'The Dark Knight Rises'."

"I don't care! He still hurt our son and our son's cute, protective boyfriend!"

"I know, J-bird. But you must stay calm. Can you do that for me?"

"I-I can try."

Bruce knew that the Joker was angry at the Superman look-alike. He was angry and confused, too. He understood what the clown was feeling right now. And, he hated to admit it, but the caped crusader was boiling up inside with rage. He didn't want it to show since it would make matters far worse than they already are. Then again, he could just release his emotions and hurt the Superman look-alike, using him as a punching bag, and throw him into the sewers. Yeah, that sounded like a good idea right about now.

Once they arrived at a burning factory, Joker saw someone that looked like Superman and growled in anger. His mother instincts were slowly kicking in. Batman saw how bad the clown was trembling with anger and rage. This was worse than the time with the two boats. The caped crusader knew that Joker loved and cared deeply for the freckled face boy. But never in his seventy-nine years would he think that the Joker, of all villains, would attack a fellow villain for his son. Then again, the clown had the opportunity to kill the Scarecrow, but didn't. Why was that? It seemed so out of character. And yet, the Dark Knight seemed to enjoy this new and inproved Joker. He was better than the 'Suicide Squad' Joker, that's for sure.

Joker ran towards the Superman look-alike with tears forming in his eyes. He pulled out his 'Bang!' gun and growled in anger. His blood boiled like a heated pot that threatened to topple over at any moment. He aimed his gun at the look-alike and gasped as he approached them. The clown couldn't believe his eyes.

The look-alike looked nothing like the tight wearing hero. This look-alike had a dark blue Superman outfit and his cape was purple instead of red. The man's skin was white and chalky as if he were made out of rocks and clay. Around his neck was a stone that read, 'Bizarro is #1'. He was destroying the factory that the caped crusader was close by to with his purple lasers instead of red.

Joker ran up to face the possible villain, aiming his gun at the look-alike. "Bizarro?" He asked in a firm, loud tone. The look-alike turned to the green haired man and growled. "I'm going to give you two options: leave now, or suffer!"

Bizarro gave a low laugh as he shook his head at the Clown Prince of Crime. He flew down to meet his height and grabbed him by the waist. In response, Joker thrashed around and screamed for his beloved. Bizarro then through the chubby man into the burning factory. He then flew away, making his way to the Fortress of Solitude.

Batman gasped and ran into the burning factory as the roof began to collapse. He shouted and cried out for his beloved, but there was no response. Tears formed in the corners of his eyes as he trembled in absolute fear. He ran through the flames carelessy. Black smoke blinded his eyes as he coughed hard into his sleeve. He was scared that he was about to lose the one who made the Dark Knight who he truely was. And he wasn't having any of it.

Falling to his knees and coughing harder, Batman fell onto his side and began to wheeze. He felt the smoke fill up his lungs slowly. Death was coming at a very slow pace. He wondered if this was what it was like to be a smoker. Most likely, he concluded. He tried to rise up onto his feet, but fell on his right side. Tears fell down his cheeks as he feared for the worst. He hoped that Joker was okay. He hoped that his sons and his son's boyfriend would be okay.
Then, all was silent.

Suddenly, a window was broken through as glass showered down onto the ground, falling into the flames below. A familiar figure in tights flew down and swooped up the passed out Dark Knight, tossing him over his shoulder. He then flew over to a familiar voice as it shouted in terror and agony. Joker gasped as he saw the overpowered superhero. He picked up the clown bridal-like and went through an open window to escape the burning building.

Joker and Batman were laid down onto some grass as the superhero sighed and gasped for breath. Superman watched as the two slowly got up and was met with a scared man in black. Of course, the superhero understood why this was. But then, the Dark Knight got up on his feet and sighed softly.

"He's heading to your house," Batman said through several coughs, smoke escaping out of his mouth.

Superman raised an eyebrow. "What makes you say that?"

"A little birdy told me, that's what makes me say that, Clarky."

Superman turned red at the nickname and folded his arms. He began to fly upwards and watched as the clown, now covered in soot, walk towards the Dark Knight. Then, the superhero flew away, heading back to his home to stop the possible intruder.

Joker sighed softly and kissed Batman's cheeks gently. "Let's get you home, dear."

The Dark Knight nodded and sighed softly as the clown offered to give him a piggie back ride. He happily obliged and held onto his beloved tightly, making their way back to Wayne Manor to get fixed.

"You sure that you're okay?" Batman asked in worry, his eyes furrowing into a U-shape. "That fall must have hurt you pretty badly."

Joker nodded and giggled softly, "don't worry, sweetie. I only have a few boo-boo's. Don't worry your pretty, little head. 'K?"

The caped crusader nodded and sighed as he laid his head on the clown's left shoulder, sighing softly as he slowly drifted off to sleep. Joker smiled happily and walked back to Wayne Manor.

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