Start from the beginning

"Anna, Jughead" I pulled away seeing Veronica and Chuck had just walked through the door.

"Hey Veronica" I smiled ignoring Chuck, "so, what are you two doing here" Veronica said with a smirked on her lips. I know where's she going with this.

"We like the burgers" Jughead said, "and the milkshakes" I added. "No way, are you going out with Donnie Darko" Chuck announced in a joking way.

I froze, we haven't gone official I don't even think we will.

"It's none of your business" Jughead spat, "Chuck don't say that" Veronica scolded. "It's just a question, I didn't expect you to date again after what happened with-" Chuck smirked

"Shut up Chuck" I growled my teeth grinding and my hands curling into fists.

"With who?" Veronica asked, "just this guy that--"

"Shut up Chuck" I snapped almost yelling, "it's none of your business Veronica. And Chuck, you know your not to mention that so shut up"

"Okay girl-" Veronica said holding her hands up "-we'll just be over here" and with that she moved to the other side of Pops, Chuck in tow.

Both Jughead and I didn't say anything, what could we say. I know he knows all the stuff about what happened with Marcus, Chuck and I, but I don't want to talk about it, never again.

"So, do you want burgers or fries?" Jughead asked, thank god he changed the subject.

"Both" I sighed, I made sure neither Veronica or Chuck were looking as I laid my head on Jughead's shoulder.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Jughead asked, "no" I answered.

He didn't say anything, I'm glad he didn't. He wrapped his arm around me and I snuggled into his warm jacket, God I love this jacket.

We were quiet until we ordered what we wanted, we made small talk when we got our food and then we sat in silence. There's no need to talk, I feel comfortable and I feel he does too. Just a comfortable silence with someone we enjoy.

Jughead Jones, who knew I'd be crushing on him after all these years of knowing him.


"So, how'd it go with Chuck?" Kevin asked excited as Betty, Kevin and I stood at Veronica's locker.

She laughed "Chuck has muscles for days, but his conversation is not the stuff of Oscar Wilde, or even Diablo Cody"

"Hey, Veronica. How was the Sticky Maple you had last night?" One of Cheryl's minions said walking past.

"The what now?"

"The Sticky Maple Chuck gave you? How was it?" The other smirked, oh shit.

Veronica began undoing her locker saying "we had a brownie sundae, if that's what you hyenas mean".

A felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and I pulled it out seeing- oh no he didn't I'm going to get my baseball bat and break his goddam knees!

It was a picture of Veronica and Chuck, a sticky maple running down her face and onto her shoulder. That is disgusting.

Kevin pulled out his phone seeing the same thing, "oh my god" Kevin said.

Veronica swiftly took the phone from Kevin and saw it.

"What the hell is a Sticky Maple?" She growled

"It's kind of what it sounds like. It's a Riverdale thing" Kevin poorly explained.

Veronica looked up to us, disbelief on her face "No, Kevin, it's a slut-shaming thing. And I'm neither a slut, nor am I going to be shamed by someone named, excuse me, Chuck Clayton. Does he really think he can get away with this? Does he not know who I am? I will cut the brakes on his souped-up phallic symbol"

"I'll help, I've got a pair of bolt cutters in my car" I spoke up

"Or we can go to Principal Weatherbee" Betty suggested. "About the coach's son? Who is captain of the football team, and Riverdale High's resident golden boy?" Veronica said.

"Or I can expose him in the pages of the Blue and Gold. Yeah, I can do that!" Betty said, trying to make light of the situation.

"No. Spoken like a true good girl who always follows the rules. Well, I don't follow rules, I make them, and when necessary, I break them" Veronica said pushing Kevin into the locker and giving him his phone, she began to walk forward anger rolling off her as Betty and I followed.

"You wanna help me get revenge on Chuck, Betty, awesome. But you better be willing to go full dark, no stars. What do you say, in or out?"

"I'm in" I smiled, Betty looked at us before nodding.

This isn't what I had I mind, I thought we'd be cutting his brakes or at least doing something to his car. But no, instead we are in the boys locker room, which stunk of testosterone and sweat.

We pushed past their sweaty bodies until we bumped in Archie who almost dropped his towel.

"Veronica? Anna, Betty, what are you guys doing here?" He said holding his towel tightly "Don't worry about it" Veronica said trying to push past Archie but he held her back.

"I mean it, Andrews. Hit the showers and stay out of my way" she pushed past him and we waltzed right up to Chuck.

Veronica cleared her throat and Chuck turned around, "huh, B, V and A. Menage a right on. Ladies"

What a pig.

"This is disgusting. Take it down" Veronica said calmly holding up Kevin's phone showing the photo. "Whoa, whoa. Why are you so wound up? It's a badge of honour, and you're not exactly virgin territory after your closet date with Andrews" Chuck smirked.

I went to snap back but Betty beat me too it "okay, that's beyond irrelevant, Chuck. You're not allowed to go around humiliating girls, for any reason, under any circumstances, you jerk".

"Look, I get you're not a closet kind of girl, but hey, if you wanna ride the Chuck Wagon, that can be arranged" Chuck smirked flexing, I wanna punch him in the face so hard right now.

Veronica scoffed at him "let's keep this simple, so that your preppy-murderer half-brain can grasp it. Take. This. The hell. Down" her firmness shot out of her mouth as she stalked to Chuck, I knew he wouldn't take it down, I should've warned her about this asshole, oh wait I did.

"Okay, that high-toned bitch attitude may have worked on the betas you dated in New York, but you're in Bulldog territory" one of Chucks stupid friends then made a barking sound, what a dickhead. "But please, fight back. You'll only make it harder on yourself"

Veronica didn't say anything, instead she stormed out Betty followed after to her. I was going to stay, maybe try and convince him but I think Veronica has better and more dramatic ways of making his confess. So I followed after them and didn't say a word.

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