Chapter 5-To flirt or not to flirt?

Start from the beginning

“Umm hello.” He said steading both of us.

I turned my head to look up at him, I’ve never been tall I’m pretty sure I’ve already stopped growing at five foot three, and Jason look’s to be around five foot nine or eight.

“Hi.” I said feeling my face blush.

“You know you do that a lot.” He stated.

“What?” I mumbled, Jason’s smell intoxicating me, he smells of teenage boy, aftershave and toothpaste.

“Blush,” He said realizing he still had hold of me he let me go and stepped back.

“I…I…which train?” I said choosing to ignore what he said.

He chuckled and grabbed my hand. He breathe emidietly caught in my throat and my heart began to pound in my chest.

“Don’t worry I know which to get,” He said leading me to a ticket office.

He politely asked the cashier (A young woman) for two tickets to London grinning and being charming.

“Here you go…sorry I didn’t catch your name,” He smirked handing her the money.

“It’s Sophie,” She giggled a far too giggly giggle for my liking.

“And I’m Violet.” I barked. “And now we all know each other that little bit better, I think it’s time we got our train, good bye…Sophie.” I said giving Sophie daggers. Grabbing Jason’s hand I took him to the train platform.

“You didn’t have to be do rude you know.” Jason said smirking.

“Well you didn’t have to be so nice either.” I snapped back at him.

“Oh is someone jealous?” He chuckled.

“No I’m fine, it’s not like you asked me out on a date, and then flirted with another girl in front of me.” I said snatching my hand away from his.

“Violet don’t…” he began.

“Don’t you dear don’t me, when you know perfectly well that you’ve done something wrong.” I barked.

To my surprise he fell into silence, he stood still for a few minutes and then stepped closer to me, he lifted his hand and brushed a piece of my hair out of my eyes.

“I’m sorry Violet, It won’t happen again,” He whispered, everything slowed down around us, my heart began to pound my hands began to feel numb and I could feel my checks turning an o too familiar shade of red. “Violet?” He whispered into my ear.

“Yes?” I managed to reply quietly.

“The trains here.” His hand latched on to main, and he stepped back from me and led me to the train.

Snatching my hand away from his I found a seat and watched the world out the window whip by us.

“Have you ever been to London?” Jason asked after ten minutes of silence. We’d found two empty seats next two one another, I emidietly called the window seat.

“Once when I was little, I think I was three maybe two.” I said not bothering to look at him.

“Oh,” he sighed. “You’re still mad aren’t you?”

“Oh no I’m fine, because you know, you moved my hair and whispered to me, that makes it all ok.” The man in the chair opposite us put down his newspaper and seemed to be watching us intensely, as if we were some sort of TV soap.

“Can we help you?” I said snapping my head toward him and glaring.

“I…um…”he began.

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