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Alex did not want to be at Hunter College on that life-changing Monday. He was only 17, but got accepted into it early, because apparently he was "super talented" and "super smart". At least that's what his past teachers have told him. He didn't see it though. He thought of his smarts to be trivial compared to his artistic abilities. He could draw his way out of hell if he had to.

It was his first day at his third period American Studies class, he chose the seat in the corner on the last row of seats. He pushed past the crowds of people scrambling to beat the bell. He was the only one to sit on the last row. He was used to being alone though. That's kinda his thing by now, he learned to get used to it after he found out that no one wants to be friends with an angsty depressed teen. Besides, he liked the quiet. It gave him time to improve his art and think about everything under the sun.

He put his dark brown hair in front of his face and turned on his old-ass iPod, plugging in his gross earbuds he's had ever since 9th grade. He put his music on shuffle until he landed on A Box Full of Sharp Objects by The Used. He took a deep breath, reminded of the times where he felt so hopeless that he could've just let go. Yet again, he's still here. His suicide attempt put in the past, in an effort to start a new life in a new town, with new surroundings.

His attention was snatched when he saw a light man, with freckles and curls that could make the stars seem dull. He was a truly beautiful specimen, and he was decked out in a blue varsity jacket and baggy jeans, topping a beanie on his head to cover the mess of unkempt brown curls underneath it. Obviously a jock, considering the jacket, so there was absolutely no chance with him. He shrugged it off, and looked down to concentrate on the poetic lyrics of the song currently playing.

Alex paused, when he felt the air of somebody sitting by him. He looked through his hair to see that the beautiful freckled man was staring at him and smiling the widest and most sincere smile he had ever seen. Alex decided to play with him a bit, and just stared down again, pretending to not acknowledge the boy beside him. He was getting quite frustrated, as he tried once again and elicited the same response as before. The man leaned over, and whispered in his ear.

"Playing hard to get, I see." He placed his hand on his knee, wanting a reaction. "Babe."  He winced softly so only Alex could hear.

Alex turned a deep shade of red, growing even redder as the boy got closer, and closer to him. He flipped his hair back and looked at the strange jock as if he were insane.

"The name's John, by the way. And from what I've collected from that page in your notebook, your name is Alex. Correct?" John whispered, ignoring the lecture going on in the background. He was genuinely curious in Alex's life, and he had never had anything like that happen since 5th grade. When he was approachable.

"Yeah. That's my name. What's it to ya?" He says, being awfully defiant and hard to get because he knows that that's how you get your way. He's been reading up on this kind of stuff, just for that special day that he meets someone. The longer he plays him, the more desperate he gets, and the better the sex is. He's thinking too far ahead. Maybe he just sat by him to make fun of him or maybe it was a dare made by one of his knucklehead jock friends.

Instead of maliciously spitting at him, John giggled his adorable little laugh at his stupid Spongebob reference. John could cure any sickness with his laugh, it was so beautiful.

"Mr. What Zit Tooya, how's life?" John and Alex started howling with uncontrollable fits of laughter when Alex felt a hand on his shoulder.

It was the teacher. "If you don't know how to act in a classroom, then get out!" he spat at the two trembling students.

They rushed to get up and out of the room, thanking God that the exit was the closest to their seats. Alex untangled his headphones from his neck, and stared at John.

"You really aren't like those asshole jocks, eh? Maybe the stereotypes got it wrong with this one." Alex said, sarcasm tinting his voice as he looked at John.

He scoffed. "Yea right. I'm not even supposed to be talking to you." He play-glared at Alex and they started walking the scenic route to the cafeteria. It's like they already knew each other so well.

The campus was absolutely beautiful, with a huge waterfall in the center of the half-circle marble building with four stories. The windows were large, but the largest was at the library on the top floor. The way the glass framed against the dusty shelves in the sunlight was a beautiful sight, one that only eyes could capture. It had an entire spooky, ethereal look. Maybe that's just because the damn place was absolutely ancient, and in desperate need of a good dusting. It was still hauntingly beautiful, though.

Alex stopped gawking at the campus, and walked into a smaller building with white tile and brick walls. It had cafeteria tables scattered symmetrically along the floor. It looked fairly clean for a college cafeteria. Alex just hoped that the food would be better than that of his old high school.

John grabbed his hand and led him to a massive buffet-style lunch line. It had all the foods imaginable, and they actually looked pretty decent. The pizza caught his eye immediately, of course, as he filled his plate with two slices of it, and he grabbed a few small pots of ranch and a breadstick to catch up to John who was about to arrive at the cash register at the end of the line. He didn't have much on his plate but a large serving of apple pie. He handed his plate to the lady at the cash register as she smiled and he handed her a five dollar bill. Alex assumed he was to do the same, making sure to smile extra wide so he could make a good impression on his very first day.

He followed the mass of curls to a seat beside the window, where just enough sun was seeping through. Not enough to blind someone, but enough to brighten their mood. They sat on opposite sides of the table and accidentally brushed each others feet every once in a while, causing them to erupt of laughter as they ate their exceptionally good school food.

They both got done with their meals pretty quickly, and started answering questions about each other. Nothing big though. Alex did find out that John was in fact from Puerto Rico, and he loved apple pie. Go figure.

They were laughing, and making their way out of the cafeteria to their next classes. They had so much fun together, and who knew that the stereotypical jock kid would even look in the general vicinity of someone like Alex. Especially if that jock kid happened to be the most handsome motherfucker he'd seen all his life. He was especially shocked when John willingly invited him to his party this Friday.

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