One: Seven Years Later

Comenzar desde el principio

I nodded, "I'm great,"

He nodded, "That's good," he hung his coat on the rack and faced me. "How is Olivia?"

"She's good. Still has her days where she's a cranky bitch, but other than that, she's great,"

He chuckled, "That's good," we started walking to the living room and he stopped, "Oh, Steph wants all of us to get together tonight and go out,"

I nodded, "Sounds good, I'll ask Olivia,"

Stephanie was Matt's fiance. She's a really great girl, and she makes Matt happy, which makes me happy. He started dating her around the time I finally got moved into our house. He met her at a party that he was invited to, and told me that him and her hit it off and they started dating.

I was happy because I wanted him to be happy. I knew that he didn't date anyone in high school, and he was all over me about getting with Olivia, so he didn't really pay attention to any girls.

"Where is your beautiful wife?"

I chuckled, "She's upstairs. Shall I go retrieve her?" he laughed then nodded. I made my way up the stairs and into our bedroom.

I saw Olivia folding clothes and I walked up to her. "Whoa, no. I got this, baby," I grabbed the shirt she was holding and she looked at me.

"Why don't you let me do anything?" she stared at me and I chuckled.

"Because you're pregnant,"

She put her hands on her hips and it made her look so damn sexy. "I am still capable of doing things. I'm not disabled,"

"You're not suppose to be lifting anything heavy,"

She chuckled, "Oh, I didn't realize that shirts weighed a ton,"

I looked at her, "Don't get smart," I smiled as she rolled her eyes. "Matt wants to see you," I folded the shirt up and picked up another one to fold.

She didn't say anything but walked out. I got done folding the clothes and walked out of the bedroom and down the stairs to find them in the kitchen.

Matt was sitting at the table with Olivia leaning against the counter with a glass in her hand. Matt saw me and smiled, "Hey, we were just talking about you,"

I smiled at him, "When are you not talking about me?"

He shrugged, "I don't know. You're an interesting subject," I rolled my eyes and slapped him on the back of the head.

He rubbed the spot and I went to the fridge to grab me a drink. "So violent," I smiled as I looked at him. He looked over at Olivia, "You made her this way,"

Olivia chuckled, "I didn't mean to," she looked over at me and winked.

I smiled at Matt, "You know, all throughout high school, I did want to punch you multiple times but never did,"

He gave me a look of shock, "Why?"

I chuckled, "Because dude, you were embarrassing me about ninety nine percent of the time,"

He chuckled, "Oh yeah," he sighed, "I miss those days,"

I shrugged, "Yeah me too, but now we're adults,"

He groaned, "I hate being old,"

Olivia cleared her throat and we both looked at her, "Speak for yourselves. I'm almost forty,"

Matt smiled, "But you're still good looking, and I'm getting out of shape and shit," he patted his belly and I laughed.

"Stephanie doesn't take you to the gym anymore?" I asked as I took a sip of my drink.

Mrs. Shuler (GirlxGirl) (Book 2) [COMPLETED]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora