Chapter 25

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Knock! Knock!

Harry rapped on the door of Hagrid's hut loudly. Banging noises were coming from inside the hut, but ended quickly when Harry began knocking.

"Harry! Is 'at you?!" Hagrid's booming voice creeped out from the hut.

There were a few grunts and shuffling noises before the door opened. Hagrid outreached his arms like an eagle and boomed, "Harry!"

Hagrid gave Harry a bone-crushing hug, and one for both Ron and Hermione as well.

"What did you need me for, Hagrid?"

Hagrid invited them into his hut and began explaining.

"It's been too long since I seen you three. I missed you!" A tear was falling down Hagrid's cheek.

"Al-als-also," Hagrid began choking back sobs. "Aragog died! He died over a month ago!"

Ron furrowed his eyebrows and squinted his eyes, "Who?"
Hermione kicked his shin under the table that they were sitting at, he said ow and grabbed his leg.

"Remember 'im? Dat big 'ole spider that threatened to kill yous in yer second year! Well, he died over a month ago!"

"What?!" Harry was so surprised.

"I invited you to his funeral, all three of yous!"

Recollection flashed in Harry's mind. He remember reading the letter and telling himself to go, but he must've forgotten about it.

"I'm sorry Hagrid, I must've totally forgotten about it."

"It's alright! We can go visit his grave and you can say some nice things about him. If you like!"

Hermione nodded her head and Ron said, "Why not?"

The three of them followed Hagrid to the back of his hut, to find a huge spot of bright-green grass, with a curved stone at the head of the patched grass that said, "Aragog, a good spider."

Hagrid stood on the side of the grave, and Harry, Ron, and Hermione stood at the foot of it.

Harry talked first.

"Uh well, Aragog. You were a good spider, even if you did threaten to kill me. I could tell that you were loyal to your spider friends and family, and that you would do anything to protect them. I'm thankful that you did spare me and Ron, thank you."

Harry didn't even flinch when he heard the horn sound that was Hagrid blowing his nose.
Next was Ron's turn to talks

"Dear Aragog, I know you're dead right now, which is not good. But hey, if you can still hear me, I wanted to thank you for being kind of nice to me. Even though I hate spiders, a lot, I liked you."

Hagrid sniffed. Then, Hermione began to talk.

"Aragog," She took a deep breath, "I did not have to pleasure of meeting you, but you've had a lasting impression on Harry, Ron, and Hagrid. And if you never spared Harry and Ron, I wouldn't have friends. I'm very grateful for that. Thank you, Aragog, for your kind heart and soul."

Now Hagrid was fully sobbing. Hermione walked over to him and put her arms around him, trying to hug him. She waved over Harry and Ron to join her. They both did.

"Thank ya!" Hagrid blew his nose into his gigantic handkerchief.

"It was really no problem, Hagrid!" Hermione told him, looking up to him.

"What she said," Ron added, stepping away from the group hug.

They each unclenched themselves from Hagrid and began running towards the school, realizing they still had classes left to do today.


The rest of the day was fine. They didn't get in trouble for skipping class because Hagrid wrote them a note of permission. They had at least a pound of homework to do, no exaggeration. Harry was very thankful that he was friends with Hermione, she always helped with homework. Or at least when she wanted to.

"Thank you so much Hermione! You're such a life saver!" Harry praised her.

"Leave me alone or I'm going to change my mind!"

Harry raised his hands in defense. "Okay! Okay!"

Before he could do anything else, Colin Creevey came running towards him, holding a letter. When Colin reached Harry, he handed Harry the letter and stood patiently in front of him, jumping up and down in anticipation.

"Er. Thank you?" Harry squinted his eyes and puckered his lips.

"Hehehe!" Colin squealed then ran back out of the dormitory.

Harry shrugged then ripped open the letter.

Chocolate Frogs

It took Harry a couple of minutes to understand what Dumbledore wanted. Once he understood, he turned around at Ron and Hermione, they were both doing work. Harry turned his whole body to them.

"Dumbledore wants me."

Before they could protest or say anything, Harry dashed out of the Common Room.

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