Chapter 8

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"Hey Harry, Hermione!" Hagrid beamed at them both, they smiled back. Hagrid quickly looked around, "Where's Ron?" He asked.

"No clue," Harry said, "Neither have us have talked to him in a while."                                                  

"Why?" Hagrid asked, as he motioned them in.

            Harry and Hermione walked in as Hagrid made them some tea. They started to explain everything, and Hermione even began to explain what happened between her and Ron. That threw Harry aback a bit because he was not expecting to hear the story from her, since she wasn't able to tell him. It turned out, that Ron said he found Lavender better company than her. Hermione started to cry whilst telling the spectacle. Hagrid tried to comfort her by patting her shoulders, but that only forced to knees to bend, allowing her to fall to the ground. She immediately got back up and started to laugh.

"Well, Hermione I hope you sort things out with-" Hagrid was cut off before he could finish his sentence. Someone was knocking loudly at the door and Fang was barking his usual booming roar. Hagrid approached the door and opened the door to find a sulky looking Ron at the door.
"Oh! Hello Ron!" Hagrid exclaimed, obviously surprised to see Ron. Especially after the quick little conversation he just had with Harry and Hermione.

      "Hey. Um Harry can I talk to you and Hermione in private. Dean told me that you guys would be at Hagrid's."

"Well, I guess so," Harry answered, he didn't really want to talk to Ron right now, he would rather rant to Hagrid. Hermione seemed quite reluctant at this declaration, but she agreed anyway.

"See you later Hagrid," Harry and Hermione both said.

"See ya in class! Harry, Ron, Hermione," Hagrid waved and smiled down at them as they left his hut.

"So, what do you want?" Harry asked in a rather sassy tone.

"Well," Ron started, "I wanted to apologize because I miss hanging out with you guys." Hermione scowled. "No! Really. I even broke up with Lavender. She was getting kind of annoying and clingy." He said with a nervous chuckle and a cheeky smile. "Also, Hermione I'm sorry for what I said to you! I didn't mean it! I truthfully didn't. It was just that I was hanging out with Lavender so much and she was putting all these words into my head! She even thought that I was cheating on her with you! I mean how crazy! I wasn't even talking to you guys for a while an-" He broke off. "Please just forgive me. It's been miserable without you guys! The only person I'm able to talk to is either Hagrid or Ginny, and even Ginny won't listen to me!"

Hermione was staring at Ron, her eyes wide.

"Ron I forgive you," Harry said rather quickly.

"Oh! I do too, Ron." Hermione said and hugged Ron. Ron smiled, when he realized that Harry was looking at him, he stopped himself.

"So," Ron continued,"Shall we go to class?"


      The rest of the day was like it's usual routine. Except, Harry couldn't stop thinking about Draco. He was truly worried for his health. Harry ran to the Hospital Wing at sat by Draco's side while he slept. He left Draco before his next class started, he didn't want to be late.

      During dinner, Harry thought that it would be an appropriate time to tell Ron what happened to Draco. Before Harry could speak, though, a familiar snowy owl flew down toward him.

"What on earth is she doing delivering the letter at dinner time?" Hermione asked him.

"No clue," Harry answered her earnestly.

"Okay, what's going on?" Ron asked, thoroughly confused.

"We'll explain later." Hermione told him. "Who's the letter from anyway? Ohhh!" Hermione said, answering her own question before Harry could even open his mouth.

      Harry began to open his letter when Draco Malfoy entered the Great Hall, looking directly at Harry.

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