A/N Redoing it

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K, so I will be rewriting this mostly cause it sucks. So I will redo it to where it doesn't suck.

I'm going to call it Not the team I expected however it won't focus on Marr'i being the new girl, but instead someone else ;)

I will also be changing some thing with the kids:

The twins - their looks will change and they will be triplets with a bother; Jade will be Carolina, Jewel will be Camren, and their brother will be CJ

Aqua - lots of stuff; her mom won't be Rocket, her look will stay mostly to same except her hair will be much lighter and her name will be Lillian with her codename being Aqua

Ruby - can someone tell me what Cheshire named her in the show cause I can't find it anywhere when I finish it that will be her name, she will have a little sister, and will be 17 and not really on the team and is really only there to make sure they don't kill each other

Sarah & Sammy - Samy going to be a 1-year-old brother and they will have 13-year-old sister, Sarah will be 14; not much else will change with them but if you guys could help me with the sister's name that would be much appreciated

Marr'i - not much will change with her either except; she will have chapters with Tim and Jason and some relationships with the team will change

Feebee - original I was going to have her as Marr'i's pet but I have something else planned 😈

K if you want to read it you can, hope you like it and sorry if you where liking this story; the rewrite should be up by next week at the latest

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