Chapter 10 - THAT Much

Beginne am Anfang

"And you know the time you almost drowned? I was there because I knew you were headed to the infinity pool. I wanted to see you more, so I made an excuse to stay there by talking to the lifeguard. He was actually one of my best friends. I came up to him and talked about you. You were busy creeping on the passersby though, but I couldn't keep my eyes off of you. I was actually so scared when you started flailing around in he water. When you lost consciousness, I about lost it. I was scared of what might happen to you; but that fear turned itself into a reason why I shouldn't panic. I needed o save you because stupid Devon was too shocked at everything that was going on."

I didn't know that. He was watching me from afar? Sound creepy to me, but then, again, I shouldn't be talking. I was the one taking stolen shots of people I don't even know. How come I didn't notice him looking at me though?

"I couldn't make a move to talk to you because I didn't know what to say. I didn't even know if you were gay! And if you were, I don't know how I'd feel if you rejected me."

Wow. If he fears my rejection that much, then he must really like me. 

"When you told me about your situation, about Trent and your guys' past, I fell even deeper for you. I felt myself getting angrier with every word you said, I wish I didn't just knock him out onto the pavement." I chuckled at was he said.

"What's funny."

"I'm sorry Brandon, I didn't know you liked me that much." I shrugged.

"Well, why wouldn't I? From what I know, you're hot, sexy, cute, you're a very nice person, and I'm sure you do everything you can to keep those around you happy."

He thinks I'm hot, sexy, and cute? "Please, I'm not that attractive," I said.

"Are you kidding? Have you not seen yourself on a mirror?" I felt myself blush at his words. "But everything you said only made me curious about you. The time we spent today getting to know each other, it left me wanting to know more about you. So I want to take you out on a date."

"Really? But why now, Brandon? What gave you the courage to finally talk to me about this?"

"I've known you were leaving soon for a while. And while II was battling myself whether I should ask you out or not, I realized I was just wasting time. I wanted to take you out before you left. I didn't want to skip out on this chance."

Honestly, I really couldn't understand why Brandon liked me this much. I'm a mess. I was in a stupid fucked up relationship with a horny bastard who couldn't keep his pants on for a second, yet he falls for stupid old me. What he said though really got to me. I liked this feeling of being important. I liked the feeling of being cared for (in a romantic way). I liked the way Brandon spoke about me.

"So, would you go out with me?" he asked again. Just then, I heard someone clear their throat behind me. I turned around to see who it was. Micah.

"Josh? Can I speak to you outside?" I nodded to him and followed him out to he parking lot. "Are you really gonna go out with him?"

"I don't know yet, Micah. But I think so. He’s starting to grow on me,” I admitted. Micah’s face fell with a slight frown.

“What about me?”

My heart sank at his question. What about him? How did I feel about him? Honestly, he’s attractive as hell and he has helped me cope with my Trent problem. Unfortunately, I think only thought of him as an older brother. An older brother that I’m comfortable making out with. Ugh. That will not be happening again. 

“I’m sorry, Micah,”

“Can’t you at least give me a chance?”

A light bulb went off in my mind after asking his question. I wasn’t really sure how I felt about Micah, but I was pretty sure I only see him as an older brother. Putting him next to Brandon, he’s a great candidate to be my boyfriend. However, I can’t be certain of my feelings for either of them. Seeing that I’ll only be here for one more full day, I don’t think I’ll have time to go out with both of them to make a decision. At the same time I’m not sure how I feel about getting together with either of them if they both live in Hawaii. I’m not so much into long distance relationships. I’m convinced they don’t last very long.

“I would if I could, but I leave in two days. I feel so bad for not even giving you a chance, but you have to understand that I also completely don’t know how I feel about Brandon. I don’t even think we’ll click, because as far as I’m concerned, long distance relationships are never pleasant.”

“Let me in on your guys’ date.”


“I want to go with you guys on your date. It’ll be a double date, except we’re both dating you.”

“Didn’t you hear what I just said? I don’t think I want a long distance relationship, Micah.”

“There’s always a way to fix that.”

“Like how? Move with me to California?”

“That’s a possibility.”

My eyes widened at his suggestion. “My family doesn’t know about me yet, Micah.”

“We’ll deal with that too, but not until later. We’ll have plenty of time.”

I gave up, sighing in defeat. “Fine. We’ll see what Brandon thinks about this first.”

I left Micah outside the coffee shop and went back in with Brandon. His face brightened up as soon as his eyes connected with mine. He looked so cute with his wide smile. His dimples gave him an innocent look, but his wide build tipped him off as a sex beast in bed. I came up closer to him with Micah trailing behind me and sat on a chair across from Brandon.

“What was that about?” he asked.

“Micah wanted to join us on our date tomorrow.”

“What? Why?” he said with a frown.

“Because, he doesn’t have time to date both of us separately. So I asked him to let me join so he can make a decision between us,” Micah interrupted.

“Wait, you like Josh too?”

“Yup,” Micah said, popping the ‘p’ at the end of the word.

Brandon held a thoughtful face for a minute and finally spoke up. “Fine. May the best man win.”

“Aha, we already know who’s best.”

I didn’t bother interrupting them. It kinda felt good having to guys fight for you. They’re both really hot too. But I can only have one of them. Such a pity.

“So why did you guys call me again?” Micah asked.

“Did you know that Alice was cheating on you with Trent?” I asked him

Micah looked confused for a few moments. “Well I knew she was cheating with a Trent.”

“She was cheating with Trent, my ex-boyfriend.”

“Wait, how did you know this?”

“He came up to me today, Micah. He went to the hotel and tried to rape me. He tried to take away my backdoor virginity against my will. If Brandon wasn’t there in time, he probably would have succeeded,” I said with a slight monotonous tone. Just saying it out of my mouth made me feel somewhat dead inside. Yes, I did plan on losing my virginity to Trent, but not in that way. After our little quarrel, he didn’t appeal to me anymore. I don’t even know why he wanted me back; it seemed like he was having the time of his life with Alice.

Micah’s face reddened with anger. His eyes were flushed with fury and his hand balled up into fists. I can see his whole body trembling now. Trent probably won’t be able to escape his wrath. Micah might be ripped, but he always came off to me as a little kitten. He had a very soft side to him that just knew how to take care of people. I didn’t see him as a violent person though. This side of him was boldly showing now; he was looking pretty sexy.

“I’m gonna kill him,” he said, standing up to walk towards the door.

* * * * * * *

A/N: So, from now on, updates for this story will be posted every Friday!... It's coming to a close and I really need to think about how I want to end this story... I hope you guys stay until the end! Voice your thoughts and opinions on the story below!

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