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I woke up to get water from the kitchen and just before I step inside my room I heard Jane practically screaming so I eavesdropped.

"WHAT THE FUCK MIDNIGHT, IN 2 HOURS AND YOU JUST CALLED ME NOW? NEWSFLASH I CANT TELEPORT!!" she yelled over the phone and I don't wanna be the person on the other line right now

"yeah see you in 30." She said then after a few minutes I heard her door slammed then saw her run down the stairs in her uniform with her duffle bag.

As I head back to bed,

That scene ive just witnessed is all too familiar to me. Then I remembered that she has her own team and is about to go on a mission in a couple of days now, maybe something came up that's why she's returning earlier as planned and at this time of the day - I silently say a prayer for her and her team just in case they'll be dispatched today.

Im going for a run and as I passed by her bedroom I saw a sticky note by her door saying that she's back in the camp. At least she didn't fail to inform them.

When I came back, our parents are already in the dining area for breakfast.

"Honey go freshen up and join us for breakfast." Mom said more like ordered so I just nod

In the middle of breakfast, Jane's dad asked one of their house aids to call Jane so I told them about the note but not what I heard cause it'll just make them worry and edgy.

after 2 days we went back home and since I still have a week to spare before I return to the base I spent it researching for little miss Philippines.

With Google's help I found out the she graduated from a military school and the top of her class and she's the sole heiress to a multi-billion company and that's it. I tried other platforms, social media, nada zilch. Her account is in private settings.

Then I tried images, aside from her graduation photos - 2 photos, one with her class and the other with their commander-in-chief - the rest are from paparazzi. Mostly she's wearing jeans with tees and raybans sometimes cap then there's when she's wearing her tracksuits obviously taken during her early morning runs. This only proves that she hates the limelight unlike other wealthy girls ive met.

I still have 3 more days but im bored to death so I went back to base.

"how was your vacation man?" Max asked

"good, met my fiancé though." I replied in a bored tone as I sat on my bunkbed.

"wait, you what?" Max asked with wide eyes that I didn't know is possible since he got his eyes from her mom whose roots are Chinese.

"yeah, that's correct fiancé."

"I never thought I'd see the day that Captain Christian Paul Grey will tie the knot." He said grinning

"not by choice." I deadpanned

"that's interesting."

"well you see, the damn RnR is all about going to The Philippines to meet my fiancé for the fucking first time." I started narrating but then was cut off

"are you telling me this is an arranged marriage?" he asked and I just nod "dude it's the 21st century such thing no longer exist." He continued

"go say that to my parents' face." I challenged him

"but seriously dude, how do you feel about this whole fiasco?" he pried but concern is evident in his voice

"at first I was fuming cause they threatened to have me discharged from the military if I didn't agree to this then I met her honestly i might just reconsider it." I said with a faint smile on my face

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