Part 4 : Nerdfighters

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Nerdfighteria is a community subculture, based mainly online. It began in 2007, when the vloggbrothers (John Green and Hank Green) rose to prominence in the community. As their popularity grew, so did coverage on Nerdfighteria, whose followers are individually known as Nerdfighters. The term was coined when John saw a copy of the and misread the title as Nerd Fighters.

Hank Green describes it as "a community that sprung up around our videos, and basically we just get together and try to do awesome things and have a good time and fight against world suck." The Greens began The Foundation to decrease world suck , in order to donate funds and launch projects that would help a variety of causes. Nerdfighters believe in fighting world suck, such as bullying, and promoting education, the freedom of speech and the use of the intellect in modern society, as well as positive values and ethics . 

Nerdfighters and the Green brothers have collaborated on many projects such as the charitable drive, , launched in 2007, and the convention focusing on topics surrounding the world of digital media, . Nerdfighters have been documented by websites such as , and , with a following estimated to be in the millions.

"What is a Nerdfighter? A Nerdfighter is a person who instead of being made out of, like, bones and skin and tissue, is made entirely of awesome."

—Hank and John Green, defining what a Nerdfighter is 


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