Why does it hurt?! Goddamnit!

I decided to sit on the ground as I hug my knees and cry like a baby who dropped her candy and can't find it.

"Kaycee!" I lifted up my head when two persons called out my name. The first person I saw was Kenneth who is riding his bike. And on the other side, I saw Sean running towards me.
They both immediately stopped but Sean was the first one to come near me. He kneels in front of me and was about to touch me when I pushed him away causing him yo sit on the ground.

"Let's go," I said to Kenneth and grab his wrist, and went to his bike.

"What happened?" He asked me but I decide not to answer.

Crazy possessive bitch.

I will never forget about that.

It took me 2 hours before I could really get out of the fitting room backstage. I was planning not to show up to this dance duo but I can't let my grades fail for now. And the teacher keeps on looking for me which makes it hard for me to hide.

As soon as I got out, Sean was the first person to show up in front of me. I decided to ignore him because his words still sting in my heart.

"Kaycee." He uttered which make me stop from my tracks. His deep voice... Why does it make my knees shake? Why does his voice send butterflies into my stomach?! I was supposed to hate him! Not appreciate him even more!!!!!

"Kaycee. Can we just talk?" He said and I look at him. I laugh shortly at what he said and smile at him.

"There's nothing to talk about Sean. So why bother?" I said and he looks at me straight in the eyes.

"Let me explain-----"

"Na ah ah!" I said as I help my pointing finger and placed it on his lips to stop him from talking. "You don't need to explain anymore. What's worth explaining to a crazy possessive birch like me, anyway?" And then I walk away from him as tears started to build up inside my eyes.

Don't cry, Kaycee. He's not worth it.


My heart started to beat slower than usual. Maybe because I'm just scared of the performance. Nothing than that.

I look at Kaycee who walks away from me. She sure is angry at what I said. I'm a f*cking idiot! I shouldn't have said that to her! Now I'm starting to feel guilty at what I said. Argh!
I raked my fingers into my hair as I think about what happened earlier. Where did those words even come from?!

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