Chapter 3: Antigua Bound...

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05/18/2017: #887 in Romance

The plane takes off on time to our destination - Antigua & Barbuda. A small island in the Caribbean and a three-hour flight from Miami. Though I should be excited, my mood was not the best since we left my apartment.

Rick hardly spoke, only said what needed to be said and answered the TSA questions when asked.

Sitting by the window, I look at the white fluffy clouds we were flying through. The sky is still clear even though the sun is slowly setting in the horizon. We will be arriving to Antigua later in the evening.

"Nice view. Isn't it." Rick says from next to me.

"It really is." Sighing after. 

My eyes stay fixated on the sky and clouds so I wouldn't look at him. "I am sorry." He whispers, taking a hold of my hand.

Tilting my head to the side I wait for him to continue talking. "Benny..." He begins then sighs while shaking his head from side to side. "Benny seriously gets under my skin. Ever since she broke up with Chris, she has been a total bitch to me. You saw how she was when I had just said hi to her. Very moody." His voice raises causing the passenger next to him to look over at us.

"Sorry." Apologizing to the guy then looks back at me. "Eva, we are on our way to a tropical island to celebrate our two-year anniversary. Two great years with you and I do not want my little quarrel with Benny to ruin our mood."

"I didn't realize you two were quarreling. I thought that she was just being her usual moody self." Telling him honestly. Was I missing something?

He purses his lips; I can see his jaw ticking. "Benny blames me for her and Chris breaking up." Blurting out the reason they are behaving the way they are.

Narrowing my eyes at him I ask. "Why would she blame you?"

It took him a few seconds to answer. "She thinks that I talked sh*t about her to him and that is the reason he ended it."

"Did you?" The question slipping out of my mouth. 

"Not really," He admits. "Chris had told me that he was thinking about breaking up with her a few weeks before he actually did. I just listened and gave him advice."

"Okay. So why does she think you were talking crap?" Not understanding the problem.

"Because I had told Chris to break up with her if he didn't want to be with her anymore. Why be miserable with someone you have nothing in common with." Shrugging like it made sense. Which it did.

"He was miserable?" Asking quizzically. I had no idea Chris was feeling like that.

"Beyond. She is insecure, foul mouthed, freaky and very needy."

"Freaky? How do you know that?" I knew Benny was very sexual and she has told me a few times about her sexcapes. But how did Rick know?

"Chris told me. She wanted to have sex in the weirdest places and with toys, even tied up. Chris was fine with it in the beginning, but she wanted it every time and then she became clingy and whiny."

My eyebrows crease at the information he is giving me. Wow, I had no idea my roommate was like that. I know that she could be a very negative person at times, but not to that extent.

"Sorry babe, but your roommate has issues. Of course, now she blames me for the breakup and wants to be a bitch to me."

I nod my head. "I had no clue. Why didn't you tell me?"

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