Steve Rogers | Remember Her Eyes

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It was supposed to be a simple mission. The factory was supposed to be abandoned. There wasn't supposed to be anything for them to find. But lo and behold an entire force of HYDRA agents awaited them.

"Y/N, stay close to me alright?" Steve called to you over his shoulder.

"Of course." you replied, not daring to venture more than five steps away from his broad shoulders. You were terrified. You'd only been an Avenger for a few months and this was your first real mission.

You'd never killed anyone before, but now that went out the window as you left five dead HYDRA soldiers behind in the hallway.


"Alright, be careful going around this next corner. There are quite a few agents, so be careful." Steve whisper-warned you quietly. You nodded in response and waited for his signal to move around the corner.

With a nod of his head, he moved around the corner first. You followed, guns blazing. Everything seemed to move in slow motion. You turned to face the last agent that stood in your way. Steve had chased another down the hallway with a promise he would be back soon.

"You don't seem to be too comfortable with what you're doing." the agent taunted you, a sinister smile on his face.

"And you seem to be enjoying what you're doing too much. Let's fix that, shall we?" you snapped. As soon as the last syllable left your mouth, you both lunged at each other. You fought as hard as you could, landing good hits here and there. Eventually, the agent fell to the ground, defeated.

You stopped to take a deep breath, holding your hands to your ribs to try and stretch out your back. But all that brought you was pain. With a hiss, you straightened up and glanced down at your hands.

Your entire left hand was covered in scarlet red blood. You gasped as tears pricked the corners of your eyes. You glanced around frantically for any sign of Steve. When you didn't see one, you immediately replaced your hand to try and staunch the blood flow as you took off down the hallway in search of him.

You were beginning to feel lightheaded when you turned the twentieth or so corner. There stood Steve, taking down one more HYDRA agent. As soon as the body hit the floor, you called out to him.


He turned, just in time to see you crumple to the ground.

"Y/N!" Steve screeched. He threw his shield into its holder on his back as he raced to your side. Immediately, his strong hand replaced yours to continue trying to staunch the blood flow.

"Hey, hey. Look at me. You'll be okay, I promise." Steve spoke gently, trying to keep your eyes open. Slowly, your eyes peeled open, revealing the color Steve had come to love. In the time you had been dating, Y/E/C had quickly become Steve's favorite color in the entire world.

Everything he bought you had something to do with that color. Whether the roses he bought you were tied together with a Y/E/C ribbon, the stuffed animal he bought you was Y/E/C, or the eye shadow he bought you(with Natasha's help) complimented Y/E/C perfectly, it all had something to do with that color.

Steve stroked your cheek gently with his free hand. Your eyes met his, and he tried his hardest remember them. Because he knew, deep down, that after today he would never see them again. The only way he could remember the vibrant color was through the gifts he had given you.

He didn't know if he would be able to look at them without breaking down. Even now, Steve couldn't hold the dam anymore. Tears cascaded down his cheeks and dripped onto your blood-soaked uniform.

"Steve, darling. You need to go." you croaked, reaching up to wipe away his tears.

"No, not without you." Steve cried, holding you firmly to his chest as he buried his head in your neck.

"Steve." you pleaded, your voice cracking as you too started to cry.

"I can't leave you. I-I love you, Y/N." Steve admitted. It was the first time he had said those three words to you, and your heart broke for him. You were going to leave him behind and you knew he wouldn't handle it well.

"I love you too, Steve. So so much. But please, you can't get me back to the jet. There's not enough time." you tried to reason with him. But, being the stubborn man he is, he simply held you to his chest, stood up, and began sprinting towards the exit.

"Cap, where are you and Y/N?" you could faintly hear Clint ask through the comms.

"Almost there." Steve huffed. Your eye sight blurred as you turned one last corner and saw the door.

"Just hang on, okay? Y/N I promise you'll be alright." Steve cried as he pushed through the doors. He desperately ran through the forest with you in his arms, trying to get to the rest of the team and the jet so you would have a fighting chance.

But by the time he got there, it was too late.

You were gone.

But, he didn't know that.

He flew up the ramp to the jet and through the hallways to a back room where he gently set you down on a bed. He felt for a pulse gingerly. No one else had noticed that you were gone, or even injured. Clint got the jet into the air right before the factory exploded.

"Alright, time to cele-" Tony began cheerfully but was cut off by a heart-wrenching cry. The team dropped what they were doing and raced to the back rooms. There, they saw Steve desperately clinging to your lifeless body. Sobs wracked his body as he repeatedly pleaded for you to come back.

"Oh, God, Steve..." Natasha trailed off, her hand held over her mouth as she took in the scene in front of her.

"Cap, what can we do?" Tony asked quietly.

"Bring her back."


Long time no update! Whoops. Well here's a sad part for those of you who actually read this book haha

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