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(Pretend it doesnt say Lydia Martin)

Bloom and Allison stop at the Broading house like they said they would. Allison stops outside the house, she looks at Bloom - who had been distant and quiet since the ball. "You okay?" She asks.

Bloom looks at her, then back outside,"I'm fine Allison."

"Yea I'm not a hunter, tell me what's up?"

"Please can we talk about this later when we're at the hotel or something?" Bloom begs of Allison, her eyes teared up and Allison didn't want them to fall knowing how they would make Bloom feel. Allison agrees and Bloom walks out and walks to the door. She knocks and opens the door is Stefen, for a second his eyes soften then harden, his emotions gone.



She walks in as Damon speed down and is very happy to see Bloom. He hugs her then pulls away. "How are you?"

"How am I? Your neck snapped last night."

"Dont worry about me."

"Thats kind of hard when you're always in trouble or have enemies leaking everywhere waiting to seek revenge like Kol last night," argues Bloom which makes Stefen snort in humor.

"Yea well you're something too, people could use you as a weapon or something worse, just stay safe at this hotel for your guys' project or whatever, okay?"

"Dont worry, I have a hunter to protect me," Bloom says smiling softly, then she leans up and kisses his cheek, right near his lips. She blushes then turns to Stefen and says," I know it's seem humanity isn't worth it right now, it will soon, don't you worry Stefen." She smiles through the darkness, Stefen down at response to her as she leaves. His first friend and here he is treating her like dirt. She walks right out the door and to Allison's car, she looks to the two brothers as they drove away. Bloom looked forward unaware that her siblings watching as she left town.p


They pull up as well as the other peers. Their teacher, Mrs Kami Winslow stood there smiling welcoming everyone. "Hello, Hello! Is everyone ready for our exciting trip tomorrow to the museum?!" Her excitement was a bit over broad. Some groaned and some cheered, some didn't do anything. Allison stopped her car and parked it. She got out, Bloom following close behind but soon as they walked upon the hotel. It was old and crappy. Something about it wasn't right. It looked haunted.

Allison looks back at her as Bloom had stopped and just stared at her. "Whats wrong?" She asks confused.

"I don't like this place," she breathes out.

"I don't think the people who own this place, like it," jokes Allison trying to smile.

"Its giving me the chills," Bloom says looking about the place, weary.

"Come on, I'm a Winchester - nothing to worry about," says Allison walking over and holding her best friend's hand.

"Thats an understatement," says Bloom, loosening up with a smile. Allison playfully glares at they laugh and walk in, but Bloom's feeling about the place never felt.

"Ah Ms Winchester, Ms Sommers, you two are paired in room 28, here are your keys," Mrs Winslow hands the keys to Allison who gripped on them tightly and thanked her, Bloom trying her best to keep her nerves down. Everyone was heading into their rooms, some chatting with friends while Allison and Bloom kept to themselves. Everyone always thought the two were dating or something cause how they didn't really hang with anyone else.

Allison and Bloom were on the upper level when Bloom heard something. Allison was telling about how this one time, she and Dean had to stay in a crap motel. Bloom shushes her. "Did you just shush me?" She asks.

"Shhhhhh!" She pauses," did you hear that?" She looks around as if looking for the source of the noise.

"Hear what?" Allison asks.

"That muffled screaming," Bloom leans her ear to the wall, she begans to move. The screaming getting louder. She races to the end of the hall, Allison quickly following behind.

"What screaming? Bloom!" Bloom stops right at their room. It stops, the screaming stops.

"It stopped."

"Bloom you're probably tried from screaming last night for Damon," Allison logically as she stops the door and walks in. She looks back and sees Bloom staring wide eyed at the room. She smiles reassuring then pulls Bloom in the room gently. "I know it's weirded since being bitten and not changing into a werewolf, I know trust me - if life wasn't so weird for us Winchesters, I would have been dead a long time ago." She chuckles at the end.

"Yea I guess so...."

"See? Now relax okay? I'm gonna get some soda, want any?" Asks Allison.

"No, water please."

"Sure thing."


Bloom sat trying to remember her past, before she was adopted and before being founded. But nothing. Nothing came to mind, it was empty. How badly, she wanted to remember her family - her biological parents and siblings. But what about her niece and nephew, her brother killed her adopted sister and practically "killed" Elena but she came back cause John gave up his life for his daughter. John Gilbert was family, being her brother in law's brother ans Elena's real father. She still remembers all the words he wrote in a letter to her and Jenna said to her before leaving.

"Bloom, you may be adopted but that day, mom and dad brought you home. Me and Melinda were so happy to have a baby sister, cause with our arguments you were always the peacemaker between us and when Melinda died and I had to take of them, you stepped right in and helped. I love you baby sister, you will find happiness and just know me and Melinda are so proud of you no matter what happens."

"Dear Bloom,

I know I have fucked up with raising Elena and maybe that's why I'm glad she went with you guys. I know you and I haven't exactly been bubby bubby, but watch out for Elena for me would ya? I know with Jenna gone and Melinda, too - I know it's gonna be hard but you're strong kid. And I see the way you look at the vampire fellow, Damon I think his name was. And I know I'm not too fond of him but he seems to put a smile of your face - so I don't care he's a blood thirsty beast.
I just wanted to say, stay strong and carry on with pride and hope, that's all I ask.


John Gilbert"

The thought of their words made Bloom want to cry.

"I will carry on, I will."

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