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Bloom knocks on the door, three times - each making her heart pound against her chest. It was hard enough to breathe in the dress, she was wearing and now the anxiety. "Come in," a woman's voice, whom she guessed was Esther - the Mikealsons' mother called her in. Bloom took a deep breathe and walked in. There inside was the mother, Esther, her same blonde haid and pale face. She looked up and almost chocked upon seeing Bloom.

"Are you Esther?" Bloom asks stepping in, as soon as she did. Esther could tell, her little girl was something. But what, that didn't come clear.

"Yes, darling. I'm Esther Mikealson - your, I mean, uh," Esther chocked her words, mumbling and stumbling on her word choice.

Bloom chuckles," uh Esther?" Esther looks at her little girl, embarrassed a bit. Her cheeks a scarlet color. "You said you knew my parents?" Esther nods. "Please tell me about them, who they are, what they were like, do I have any family out there still? Or siblings?" Questions rolled off Bloom's lips like they came to mind, her eyes lit up with excitement - all her anxiety gone.

Esther chuckles placing both her hands on her shoulders and making Bloom rant stop as she looked in her eyes. Bloom mumbles sorry looking down ashamed. "Bloom, I do not blame you for your curiosity, now let us sit and let me tell you, of us...." Esther leads her to the couch in the room.

"What do you mean us?" Bloom asks, confused as they sat down.

"Bloom, my sweet Auroa, I'm your mother," smiles Esther, sadly - tears brought to her eyes. Bloom's mouth dropped in shock.


Damon lost Bloom and Elena went after Stefen. Damon sigh, a heavy growl heard from his chest. She wasn't in the ball room, or the main room or anywhere! There were too many humans so he couldn't hear her heart beat out of them all. "You look troubled, Mate?" Damon turns and sees a smirking Kol, his smug smirk made Damon tickled. He growled.

"Something wrong?" Kol asks tilting his head to the side, innocently smiling at the vampire.

"Where is she, Mikealson?!" He hisses, the veins under his eyes showing, his eyes black and his fangs about to show.

"I don't know what your talking about," says Kol.

"Where is Bloom?!"

"I don't know Mate, maybe she ran away from you," Kol smart mouth him, smirking. Kol turns and walks away, proud with himself but held in his worries for his sister. Where was she? Then he remembers Elijah took her to their mother, he smirks. Then eyes out as Damon snapped his neck. He flashes away leaving the grey limpless collapsed boby of Kol.


"So then why did you guys give me up?" Blo-Aurora asks looking at her mother. Tears now in her eyes, God she hated having people seeing her cry. Hated it.

"We went you away cause with the werewolves, we couldn't have more childern, and your brothers and sister - They loved you and they still do," says Esther holding her daughter's cold hands.

"Wait so Klaus and them, they're my siblings?" Asks Aurora.


"But, but he killed Jenna and, and he wants to harm Elena, my niece and they sent me away like Jeremy to protect me from Klau!" Aurora stood up yelling, ranting. Esther stood up too.

"Now, Aurora-"

"I understand that, that's the name you gave me, but I go by Bloom, not Aurora. This has been great and I know my biological family, but I still have my family, the one that raised me - the one I've been with since I was well found and adopted," Bloom says remembering who she was ans what she was. "I have to go before Damon gets worried and gets himself in trouble."

Bloom goes to the door and places her hand on the knob, when Esther asks," you love him don't you?"

Bloom turns back to her. "I don't know what love is, and I'm sure Damon doesn't even like me."

"Wait! One last thing."


"What are you?"

"What are you talking about?"

Esther looks at her, in the eyes. Something wasn't right.

"Right well you should probably go find your lover," Esther says making Bloom blush as she left. Just as she did, Elena found her way to Esther as Bloom went down stairs.

She found her way back to the ball, she searched for Damon. She grew worried as she couldn't find. She begans to panic but then she stops, listening to something. Her brows fused up. "Bloom, you okay?" Bloom looks and sees Allison who found her way to her, still looking beautiful as ever and she danced with her brother, Elijah. Just thought went weird feelings to Aurora.

"You didn't hear that?" She asks, whispering so quiet that Allison almost couldn't hear her.

"Hear what? Bloom I don't hear anything, come on, you need a drink or something," Allison pulls Bloom smiling to the drinks that Finn were handing out, the same ones earlier. "Two please," smiles Allison. Finn smiles handing her two but as he did, Bloom watched with a tenseful look. Her brother, right before her. Her family under all one roof. Both biological and adopted. And they loathed each other, it sounded like a crazy Romeo and Juliet story. Only if Damon liked her back.

"Okay, Bloom?" Finn asks snapping her out of her thoughts.

"Fine, uh is it stuffy in here or just me? I'm gonna go outside," she laughs nervously. They both give her looks. "Excuse me, please." With that Bloom quickly exists the house and into the gardens.....

The Name Mikealson》[DAMON SALVATORE]Where stories live. Discover now