help me im so awkward

30 4 9

So I'm planning to make a cosplay of Chat Noir from ML (I always feels like people judge me for liking this show like I know it's for little French kids leave me alone) and his suit is really form fitting

So I kinda want to get a chest binder, not only for that but because I'm mostly interested in cosplaying male characters

But like

How do I go up to my parents and say that I want a chest binder

That's just so weird and awkward and ajdhakhf

So I have like this entire cosplay planned but I'm not sure how to make it work because asking for a chest binder is the weirdest shit like help me

Also, on a completely random note, my sister was just petting my cat and talking about how cute his meows were so I made a little 'mrrow' sound and she had to ask me whether it was me or the cat that did that she was so confused so anyways

This is a tired rant from me

I stayed up until like 2 am yesterday because I was watching one of my favourite cosplayers streams, I'm stressed bc school, I need a job, and also hello anxiety lmao thanks for that

So like I'm tired and awkward and I want to ask my parents to buy me a thing to flatten my chest so I can pretend to be a dude in cats ears but I mean that's weird but I can't just buy stuff myself because I have no money so like that's fun and I'm super excited/nervous for Anime North and I'm just rambling at this point because I don't know what to do and I'm tired and I've said that already so yeah I guess

I'm probably going to delete this later but

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