"Come, sit," Daddy says, taking my hand and leading me toward the table. "We've been waiting for you. More wine?"

I nod furiously as he pulls a chair out for me, which is thankfully next to Steven instead of Michael. I am also perpendicular to Slash, who's plate is untouched and eyes are out of view.

Silence follows. Just the sound of bowls being passed, forks clinking against plates, wine being poured into glasses. I try and look everywhere but at the faces of those around me, the skeptical eyes and remorseful expressions are sickening.

"So... Skipper," Freddy Mercury begins through a mouthful of steak, "have you been back to the... hospital.. yet? What was the name of it?"

Duff looks at him somewhat sharply. "Rose Memorial Hospital."

Freddy swallows. "Oh, that's right."

I shake my head slowly and rub my arm. "It's... I plan to, very soon. I've gotta resume my... research."

Slash still does not move. I wonder if he's even awake.

Michael struts into the room carrying a plate of something hot from the kitchens. He sets this plate in front of me, leaning over my chair with a grin.

"Vegan lasagna. One of your favorites."

Something bitter rises in the back of my throat as he reaches down, gently tucking a lock of hair behind my ears. Everyone at the table seems to rustle uncomfortably, a look even flashes in Steven's bright and usually oblivious eyes.

"Thanks," I hardly whisper.

He takes his seat across from me, and pours the both of us some more wine.

"Hey," Steven pipes up brightly. "Remember that time we had dinner here with Michael and his weirdo wife Diana, and that hot chick Apollonia? And Skip was all like, 'Daddy can I have the salt?' and like, everyone at the table reached for the salt shaker?"

Steven erupts with laughter until Izzy lightly swats his arm. "Not the time, man."

I hear something like a chuckle coming from Slash's end of the table.

"Are you staying here?" Elton asks, as if he ever knew me.

"No," I respond mechanically, picking apart the layers of the lasagna. They only bring up bad memories. "I'm still currently living at... his old apartment. It's on the Upper West side of Manhattan, not too far."

I happen to glance at Duff. He is griping his silverware too hard and refusing to look at anyone around him.

"What is your plan, then?" Elton persists, much to my annoyance. Why the hell does he wanna know anyway? It's none of his business. "Will you just continue on life here, on your own?"

Daddy, who has remained quiet up until now, shoots me an apologetic look.

I shrug dissmisively. "Probably selling our Private Practice down in Palm Springs. It was never really mine anyway, I couldn't see continuing it without him."

Truthfully, I can't stand to even look at that building anymore, knowing all the pain and strife it caused our 'marriage'. He loved that clinic more than he loved me. But love became more and more irrelevant toward the end.


"Yeah, what do you expect me to fucking do? Return to that place everyday without him? Pretend it's all fine?" I shoot back hostily. Again the room rustles with discomfort.

"No, I just thought you'd wanna preserve his legacy in some way, that's all."

I turn up my nose. "His legacy's all around us. It'll always be, with or without me."

Marginal Love (Book 4 LS Series)Where stories live. Discover now