Epilogue / Daisie loves her Delivery Boy

Start from the beginning

All of a sudden, I heard Bryce clear his throat.

"Excuse me Ms. Maisie Lockhart, I have a delivery for you."

Thinking this was my cue to finally open my eyes, my heart nearly stopped beating at the sight. 

I found my boyfriend — my delivery boy — Bryce Valentino on one of his knees.

This "delivery" was a small, velvet box that contained a beautiful ring sitting on top of his palm. 

Taking this all in, I nearly collapsed. For a moment, I stood there, thinking this was just another dream of mine. My heart started to jump in all directions. It felt like it was going to force itself out anytime soon. 

The diamond ring winked in the sunlight. My eyes slowly made their way towards my delivery boy. Bryce showcased that sweet smile I loved.

"Maisie Lockhart, will you marry me?"

My eyes blinked several times. I had to make sure this was real.

My delivery boy was proposing to me!

Feeling my mouth drop, I already knew that I was becoming excited.

"Bryce, you want me to — is this — Bryce, this is — oh my gosh, what is the matter with me?" I tried to compose myself until I exclaimed out with glee, "Yes! Yes! Of course I will!"

A wide grin grew upon Bryce's lips, and he stood up fully before taking the ring out of the box. I literally gasped, not believing this was all happening. Right now. Right here.

Gently taking my hand, Bryce slid the gorgeous ring through my ring finger. It was a perfect fit, and no words could describe how beautiful it looked. Completely overwhelmed, I was seriously fighting back the tears in my eyes — out of pure happiness. Gazing at the ring and then back at Bryce, I couldn't stop myself from smiling. 

And yes, the tears streamed down my cheeks anyway.

"Daisie, try not to spill your cup of coffee on me," Bryce teased, trying to get my state of mind back to reality. 

When my only response was a giggle, Bryce lightly added, "I know we're still young, and we can wait to get officially married, Maisie. But, I already know I want to be with you my whole life."

"Of course, I understand that. But Bryce, I want to be with you my whole life too," I claimed sincerely. 

Bryce soon reached out to wipe the tears away from my face. Usually, I never thought this would ever happen to me. I probably sounded like those girls in the fairy tales, but this — it was much better than that.

Bryce nodded his head, pleased, as he kissed me on the forehead. 

"I love you."

"I love you," I returned happily.

Soon after, we shared an unforgettable kiss, knowing that we would share the rest of our lives together. As we broke away from our kiss, I immediately hugged Bryce only to be lifted up by him. He literally carried me and twirled me around. The two of us laughed together from happiness.

I shouted, almost losing grip of my cup, "Bryce! The coffee!"

Bryce shrugged before letting out a rejoice, "A little stain isn't going to hurt me. We're going to get married!" 

Being in his arms, I kissed my delivery boy once more before shouting the same thing. Whatever was happening around us didn't matter right now.

At this moment, it was only Bryce and me. And, I would always treasure it.

Through the twists and turns of events that led to this day to when my delivery boy managed to take my heart away, that was what made our story. From the time Bryce would call me "Daisie" to when I would classify him as the "delivery boy", that was what made us who we are. And to the moments when our heartstrings were tugged endlessly just by being with each other, that was what made our hearts beat as one.

I was just a girl who didn't believe in "love at first sight".

I still believed it.

Because true love never happened in an instance. 

It grew, just like a daisy, but eventually gave you warmth, just like a cup of hazelnut coffee.

My Delivery Boy  

© an affiniteas 2011-2012 ink on Wattpad

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Dearest Readers,

It's that time in every story where it comes to an end.

Even if it's finished, I do hope that "Daisie" and the "Delivery Boy" always stay close to your hearts. As the writer, I am so thankful for the amounts of support I have received from beginning to end. Without your love, My Delivery Boy would not have reached this mind-blowing success I see in my eyes.

First off, thank you - every. single. one. of. you - who made it from start to finish! I want to thank those especially who stayed by my side ever since I first started posting up My Delivery Boy. And thanks to those who joined along the journey as well! Every one of you has touched my heart. Another thank you for everyone who has supported me throughout! An everlasting and eternal thanks to you all!

Well everyone, I guess this is where I say not goodbye, but "see you soon!". I will now change My Delivery Boy's current status as "complete". I am still stunned reaching this point. I really hope you all enjoyed My Delivery Boy! A story that I forever keep close to my heart - from the laughs, to the smiles, to the frustration, to the tears but mostly, to the moments where all your heartstrings were tugged as well. I'll always cherish all who read My Delivery Boy and for any future readers to come. I want to thank everyone once more for reading My Delivery Boy and finishing it with me! Much love, so until next time!

xoxo, affiniteas

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