Different Men

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??? POV

I looked around the school searching for the boy that Anti wanted but couldn't find him. I was walking past the final classroom when Anti yelled in my ear.

" Hey! Google can you see the girl in there?" he screamed in his maniacal voice.

"Which one?" my mechanical voice lingered.

"The brunette with hazel eyes!" he again yelled.

"Yes," I spoke.

"I want her," he said and I nodded in agreement.


??? POV

I felt the presence of another iplier and looked around the school before I saw google standing outside a classroom. He was talking to someone with telekinesis and I couldn't tell who it was. I saw him look into the classroom before nodding to himself.


Flora's POV

We heard a scream over the loudspeaker before the school went under lockdown. There was some sort of emp mechanism blocking the use of our electronics and we all lined ourselves up against the wall.


I sighed when the door burst open but I was shocked when an iplier with the google symbol on his chest walked in. We all scooted over when approached us but he kept on moving towards me until he could roughly grab my arm. He began to pull me but everyone had my other arm. 

He sighed before snapping his fingers. A strong electric current exploded through everyone's phones electrocuting them.They all screamed and he pulled me away from them as I watched the people who had stood by me since nursery die. 

I bit my lip as he tied up my wrists and dragged me into what felt like a portal. I wasn't sure because of the bag over my head which prohibited my sight. I heard a yell followed by a groan as the Google looking motherfucker released my hands from his grip.

Someone untied my hands before pulling off the hood and I saw a pink-haired man. I sighed in relief before he stalked toward me menacingly. I tried to run when I heard his cackling voice. He spun me around and enveloped me in....A kiss?!I struggled under him until I slowly lost consciousness from lack of air.

"Night night princess,"

Author's POV

Finally, that's another chapter uploaded. I will get back to longer chapters soon but this one was meant to be short. Oh and p.s. Anti says that he will find you and get you back.

Let me go-Antisepticeye x Darkiplier x Jacksepticeye x Markiplier x readerWhere stories live. Discover now