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Oh my god?! 2K?! I can't explain how fucking happy I am that you guys actually like what I'm doing . It's such a thrill to write something and then have so many people reading it.
Writing has been a dream for me since a was a little kid so you can maybe understand how happy I am right now. I just want you all to know that I love you guys so fucking much ❤️ If I could hug all of you I totally would. I wouldn't probably let go because yeah, who doesn't love hugging?!
Every time you guys vote, follow or comment a smile appears on my lips and my heart beats faster. Wow, that sounded really sappy but it's true. I can't understand that I already got 2K on this book and oh my god 35K readers on the first book: You texted me first you idiot. I'm fucking speechless 😨

I also want to remind you guys that if you ever need someone to talk to, I'll always be here. I know how it feels to be alone and it's the worst feeling ever. If you ever feel depressed or if you ever have more anxiety than you can handle, just DM me. Don't be scared because I would never even dream of judging you. Everyone deserves to be happy ❤️


And oh my god guys! I came up with a new story because I just have so many ideas in my head right now. It's called "The last Season" and it's basically Hobrien shit ☺️ It would mean the world to me if you could check it out and comment what you think about it. I published the first part of the story today and I will keep publishing if you guys liked it 👍🏻

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