Chapter 2

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Jamiah Marie Johnson a.k.a JJ (in MM)

"Zari? ", I said softly grabbing her wrist and pulling her into my embrace "tell me what happened bruh. " ," no I don't want to get into it,  I just want go to sleep. " Zari said attempting to escape my arms.  I held her tighter and led her out of the bathroom and into her room. I left her to get dressed and went to make sure her house was locked down. When i returned she was laying in the dark with one of the t-shirts i left here on. i chuckled to myself remembering the day i left that shirt here, and climbed in bed with her. She curled up into my chest , as i stroked her hair and held her close to me. We layed in silence like this for 10 minute straight untill I finally felt like she would give me an honest answer. " Will you please tell me what happened?" I watched her body language closely as she took a deep breath and sighed  of frustration. Her body started shaking as she began speaking , voice trembling and tears rolling down her face, before she even started speaking I was already heated. "that fuck nigga did this shit to you huh?" i said as i let a tear fall. " It was wensday night and i showed up to his house late eventhough it was only 9, and before i could say anything or put my bag down, i felt a stinging sensation across my face as he swung his belt at me untill i fell to the ground. once i was down he grabbed me and dragged me by my hair into his room, and told me to get up and when i didnt comply he kicked me in my stomach over and over again untill i finally gathered the strength to get up. I used the baseboard of the bed to help me get up and when i was half way up he kneed me in my head an threw into the basebored. I fell to the ground screaming out in pain , so he  began to whoop me repeatedly with his belt and yelling for me to shut the fuck up ." she said through tears. " um once he got tir1ed of swinging he began punching me and yelling calling me all types of  whores, sluts and bitches as i attempted to fight him off kicking and even getting a few hits in." she paused for a second and took a deep breath." Then he asked who i was fucking, i didnt answer , so he began punching and stomping on me some.  i cried in pain considering thats all i could do i tried fighting him off , but i soon  felt  the blood dripping from my face and then everything  was black. the next thing i remember is waking up in a hospital bed and he was sitting next to me with flowers and gifts. he begged me to forgive him , but i never answered him. i havent seen him since  he dropped me off here." She finished in tears. I held her tight s she cried into my chest " Jay i tried to fight him off so fucking hard i tried , but he wouldnt stop. he kept hitting me and i couldnt stop him. Jay i was pregnant  with his child. He killed my baby." She cried even harder. i felt my body tense up, but i couldnt show her that i was pissed off  because she dont need allat, He raped her 2 months prior to this because she refues to have sex with him, and the baby wasnt by desire but by force, and its said to say im kinda happy its gone. She's forced to used this nigga as a cover up because her father cant accept that shes gay, so she accepts the abuse to please her father. I was snapped out of my thoughts by her phone ringing. I slowly leaned over to see who it is , without waking her up. Ofcourse it was Amari. i declined the call and sent his contact and address to my phone. His ass was gone get dealt with by tomorrow. i stayed up plottin on this nigga and textin Taz telling him what had happened to Zari ofcourse he was vexed, so we planned all this shit out and called up a few people. once our plan was set i finally layed down and cuddled back up with Zari holding her body close to mine. I kissed her forehead  and she wrapped her hands around mines and i drifted off to sleep. 

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