
I'm rolling my eyes right now.

ik i can feel the edge from here

and yes im "available"

Meet me by the aquarium in half an hour?

aye aye captain ;)))


"So we swimming today or what?" Lance slid into the water easily as Keith approached him.

"I-umm...I wanna try."

Lance, who was floating backwards peacefully, stopped in his tracks.

"Really? Oh my stars finally! Let's get you started!" Lance smiled widely as he rose from the water to help Keith out.

"Just use these steps under the water here. We'll start at the 3 foot end and make our way. Sound good?"

"Um, yeah." Keith smiled uneasily.

"Hey, you can do this." Lance made direct eye contact with the other boy, who squirmed under the gaze.

Keith nodded, letting himself be lead by the tan boy into the pool.





If Lance hadn't had a death grip on Keith's hand, the shorter boy would have probably made a bolt for the door the moment his skin came in contact with the still water.

Instead, he only squirmed, as his body broke through the waves, created ripples in his path. If he wasn't so scared shitless, Keith would have probably thought it was beautiful.

Instead, he let his eyes focus on the boy in front of him. Lance turned around with a smile that could make the sun blush, and raised his brow with shameless mischief.


"You ready mullet?"

"I have no idea what you're trying to tell me to do." Keith stood in the water with his arms crossed against his chest, trying to decipher Lance's instructions.

"It's simple! If you're gonna learn how to swim, you've gotta be able to go underwater. Now, I'm not tryna get you to do some complicated shit, I just wanna get you the feel of being underwater. So just dip your head in."

"I'm not sure-"


Keith looked up and took every ounce of strength he had to size up to Lance's sincerity. He had to stop looking at him like that, there was no way in hell Keith could take anymore of it.

"I know you're scared. But, you've got this okay?" Lance grasped Keith's shoulders, "And besides, you can just get out whenever you feel like it! Just, take it step by step."

Keith took a deep breath, "Alright."

"Perfect! Now just let me lead..."

Keith closed his eyes, letting Lance's arms pull him down into the water, he found his heartbeat escalating quickly, but time came to a halt when he opened his eyes.

He hadn't seen that much blue in a long time, it engulfed him completely, and Lance fit perfectly into this new world. Keith could swear that Lance was a mermaid in another life, no regular human being had eyes that blue.

Lance smiled under the water, surrounded by the colour of his own eyes; yeah, he definitely fit, Keith couldn't look away.

Until remembering that he kinda sorta definitely needed to breathe.

Keith jumped up from the water, gasping for air as Lance rose up next to him.

"That was great!" He exclaimed happily, patting his student on the back.

"Yeah," Keith's face broke into a wide smile and Lance's mind stopped. 'He should do that more often', he thought.

Lance smirked, before splashing Keith in the face, whose eyes widened in betrayal, Lance laughed heartedly.

They continued like this, fooling around playfully, losing track of time before Lance's phone let out an obnoxious ring that vibrated through the walls of the aquarium, crashing into the good mood like loud waves against sand.

Lance rushed to answer it, the ringtone was special, he had it set to only one person. He picked up the phone anxiously, waiting for a voice to speak up.

A familiar voice collided into his ear.

"Where the fuck are you?"


  Whoooooo I got all my ap tests done bLESS. Now I just gotta survive finals and I aM SET. Also I think y'all should know I entered a writing contest and began writing an hour before the deadline (haha shoot me) and legit seventy percent of it was from my last chapter of WTT with different characters- why am I like this? Anyways, thanks for breathing, y'all are great ~Tan ♡  

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