"Well how about we go with say $75 an hour so $150 a session, $300 a week? Does that sound fair?"

"Yeah that sounds great."

"Can you start tomorrow?"

"Yes sir we can do Tuesdays and Thursdays."

Gwen sits on the couch phone in hand. She battles with wanting to call her sister-in-law Jen. She and Jen had always been super close. She convinces herself that lunch with her parents hadn't gone so bad so she needed to do it. She hits the call button and waits for her to pick up.


"Hey Jen."

"Gwen? Is it you?"

"Yeah it's me."

"Oh my gosh, it's true they did have lunch with you. Where in the hell have you been? We all miss you so much!"

"I'm sorry; after what happened the last time I saw everyone I didn't feel like I could..."

"Gwen the past is the past. Let's just forget about that ok?"

"Yeah ok."

"How have you been? Are you still working with Chuck? Where are you living? Fill me in on everything!"

"Jen are you sitting down?"

"Yeah I'm sitting on the couch watching Stella play."

"I've missed her so much I bet she doesn't remember me."

"Yeah she does Gwen. We say goodnight to your picture every night. She's five Gwen."

Jen hears Gwen sniff on the other end.

"Gwen don't cry it's ok. We can meet up sometime and you can see her."

"Jen I... I have cancer."

"What? Really? Oh my god Gwen. How bad?"

"It's a lot better now. Only a few more treatments left as long as things continue to progress the way they are."

"What kind of cancer?"

"Uterine. I can't have kids anymore. They had to take my uterus and ovaries."

"Oh Gwen I'm so sorry! What does Gavin say about everything?"

"Gavin's gone. He fled when I was diagnosed."

"I know you probably don't want to hear this but I'm glad he is gone. You deserve so much better Gwen."

"I know that now. I'm seeing someone else now and, Jen you would love him. He is seriously the most amazing man."

"Wow you sound like you really like him."

"I love him Jen. What are you and Stella doing tomorrow?"

"Nothing that I know of."

"Come see us. I want you to meet him and see where we live."

"You already moved in with him?"

"Yeah when they transitioned me into outpatient treatment I had nowhere to go and he rented a place here. We stayed in separate rooms at first but we just started sharing a room."

"Wow. When do you want us to come up?"

"How does 2 o'clock sound? It doesn't have to be right then, I'll be home all day."

"Ok yeah we can do that.  I'm really glad you called we have missed you so much."

"I missed you guys too. I'll see you tomorrow."

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