Meet the parents

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"Is that what was bothering you? You thought you were gonna have to sleep alone."

"I didn't want to assume you wanted me in bed with you. We didn't exactly discuss details of being boyfriend and girlfriend."

"Well I think one should be that my girlfriend sleeps in my bed with me."

Gwen grins so big and Blake can't help but return the smile, showing her his dimples. Once the settled in bed Gwen made a move that totally caught Blake off guard. Suddenly she was kissing him. Not the sweet kisses they have shared but the deep kind that shows need. He lets her lead the moment. She takes his top lip into her mouth and bites. A moan escapes Blake's mouth. Gwen takes advantage shoving her tongue in his open mouth. Their tongues dance a delicate loving dance. Blake needs to stop this before it goes to far. He knows but at the same time he doesn't want to. Finally, they pull apart to catch their breath.

"Gwen we gotta stop."

"I know....I'm sorry"

"Sorry? Gwen you have no reason to be sorry."

"Yeah I do I know you wanted to keep going."

"Gwen I'm not gonna lie I would have liked to keep going. I'm not gonna lie to you. However I'm not with you for that. I'm here because I want to be with you. You make me happy."

Gwen leans forward and plants a sweet kiss on his lips.

"I love you Blake." Her eyes fill and she can feel one escape down her face

"I love you too sunshine" he says while he wipes the tear from her face

Gwen settles herself in her now favorite place. Her head on Blake's chest arms wrapped over him. Blake wraps his arm around her finding himself as content as he has ever felt. It's in this moment that Blake has the realization that this woman is the woman he wants to spend his forever with. It may seem early and he doesn't want to scare her away, so he settles to keep it to himself.
Blake wakes up in the morning and Gwen isn't there. He sits up and looks around the room for her but she is nowhere in site. He makes his way downstairs. On his way down he smells breakfast cooking. He walks into the kitchen and sees Gwen cooking what can only be his breakfast. He walks up behind her pulling her back into him.

"Good morning sunshine. You cooking my breakfast?" He asks laying his head over her shoulder

"I am Blakey. I woke up and thought I would cook for you for a change."

"Well thank you sunshine. So I have a question for ya."

"Ok shoot" she said as she laid his plate in front of him and sat down with her plate

"What are your thoughts on a dog?"

"I like dogs but do you really think now is a good time to be dealing with a puppy. I'm not exactly gonna be able to help all that much."

"No not like a puppy." He says pulling out his phone

Blake scrolls through till he finds what he is looking for. He then flips the phone around and shows Gwen a picture of a black and tan dog.

"Her name is Betty."

"Awww Blakey is she your dog? Like from home? Who is taking care of her?"

"Yeah she's my dog from Oklahoma. As much as I love being here, I'm kinda missing home and my dog. My mom is keeping her for me but she said she can tell Betty's depressed and missin' me to. So what would you think of me bringing her here?"

"Blake if you want to go home for a while you can. I don't want you to be unhappy here. I can't go while I'm still in treatment but I'm sure we can figure something out." Gwen says trying to show Blake she would be ok with him leaving but Blake knows her to well; he can tell it's killing her to tell him to go.

"Gwen no it's not like that. I love you. I miss Oklahoma but my home is wherever you are. I'm not leaving you, from now on it's me and you against the rest of the world. I just want to bring Betty out here if your ok with it."

"Of course Blakey. I'm more than ok with her living here. When and how are we gonna get her here?"

"I'm not sure yet I haven't thought that far ahead yet. I wanted to make sure you were ok with it before I started planning."

"I am definitely okay with it Blakey...she seems to be an extension of you and if you want to bring her here then let's find a way to make it happen."

Blake turns to Gwen...dimples and all, places his hands on her cheeks and brings her in for a sweet, gentle kiss.  He cannot believe how lucky he is to have found her.

When he pulls away Gwen looks at him and asks "so Blakey, do you want to go to Oklahoma and get her or are you going to try to get her here another way?"

He looks at Gwen "Well sunshine I don't want to leave you here alone so I am going to make some phone calls later to my mom at home and to some airlines to see if there is another way to get her here."

She gives him that smile that makes him melt and says "we're getting a dog Blakey..."

"Yeah sunshine we're gettin' a dog...I hope you'll love her as much as I I need to get ready to meet Chuck. Why don't you call Jen?"

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