Chapter 4

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Chapter Four:

Acacia's POV

"Thanks for everything, Harry. Tonight was amazing." I said, standing on my doorstep. I was still brimming with happiness; everything had gone absolutely perfect. My father was at home, I could tell since the lights were on inside. Knowing him, he had probably left the door open. He was normally so tired that he forgot everything and just went to bed.

"No, don't thank me. I'm glad that I picked you up. I haven't had a night like this for a long time." He replied, looking at me with those beautiful green eyes.

I was momentarily lost in his gaze and just stared.

Acacia, snap out of it!

" night then." I stammered. Aaah, why was I so awkward? I mentally kicked myself.

"Good night love." he smiled. I loved that part about him. When I first heard of Harry Styles, not One Direction, his smile was the first thing that attracted me to him. He may seem serious but when he smiles he's like one of those cheeky boys in primary school - the ones that giggle and play pranks in class. His worries don't appear. But as One Direction's fame had skyrocketed I noticed that smile less and less. Instead, a fake smile appeared. Like an awkward school photo day shoot. His eyes never smiled, it never looked like he was enjoying it.

"Oh, before I forget," I suddenly realised that I was still wearing his jacket and took it off, handing it to him. "Thanks for that." I shivered, the cold wind suddenly hitting me.

"Keep it. You look like you'll need it!" he chuckled, handing it back to me. His phone suddenly buzzed, and he quickly glanced down at it. "Got to go, we should catch up again!"

"Yeah I'd love-" I began, but he was already in his car and sped off.

Well, he was in a hurry. I reminded myself that he was a celebrity and I could already feel my bubble of happiness wear off. It literally was like I was in a bubble - the troubles bounced off me when I spent time with him. But now, I'm realising again how many girls are after him and I'm probably in the 'Pretend to be interested in a fan to make fans hopeful' category.

I opened the door, sighing. My dad had left it unlocked as I suspected. I quickly locked it as I got inside knowing full well that there may be burglars around. I heard my father's distinct snoring from a room down the hall and tiptoed to mine careful not to disturb him.

I quickly changed into some comfortable clothes, I had forgotten to pack my pyjamas, and took off my make-up. As I looked into the mirror, my heart sank.

Why would anyone love me? I sadly thought to myself. I'm Acacia, the hideous girl from Australia. My face looks awful. I looked at my body and felt another drop in my self esteem. I've seen the girls that Harry had dated - tall, blue eyed, luscious blonde haired, big breasted goddesses.

I'm Middle Eastern. Brown. Brown hair, brown eyes, brown skin. The exact opposite and not interesting in the slightest. The opposite of what every boy wanted. I wasn't ashamed of my race but...I was ashamed by myself. My hideous self. I lay down in bed and closed my eyes, begging myself for sleep; I knew I was going to be exhausted tomorrow if I didn't. But I tossed and turned, still thinking about all the beautiful girls and wishing dearly that I was one of them.

Changing Styles - A Harry Styles/One Direction FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now