Chapter 5 - Welcome to Camp

Start from the beginning

"Yeah but still, why place a gun in there?" Leo asks no one out of curiosity.

"I guess in case of emergencies," Alex suggested with a shrug of his shoulders before all turned back to watch the hologram.

Taking it out and cocking the bullets into place, Raven ran outside to see Charles wrestling on the ground against a man, presumably Erik, and was loosing until the man knocked him out, stood up, and raised his hand into the air.

"Okay, it looks like that it's gonna go down and how did she know how to do that with the gun?" Reyna asked curiously.

"Must be through instinct....I guess...maybe.... I don't know, she never told me about that part," Alex said frustrated.

Looking into the sky, Raven could see that most of the missiles had exploded or had fallen into the sea but the rest of them were still on course to the ships with the man making it happen.

"How does he...?" Leo was about to ask but was interrupted by Grover saying, "Erik has the ability to control metal remember?"

"Oooohhhh," Leo then said in realization and kept quiet while watching what happened next.

Breathing in deep and letting it out, Raven became determined and pulled up her gun before firing at shot at the man's metal helmet turning his attention to her. She then fired more shots at him, as he blocked them with his powers, until one of those shots, the man blocked, hit Charles, who was starting to stand up, in the lower spine making him lurch forward towards the ground in pain.

"Oh no," Artemis said in horror as the room fell into silence in shock of what just happened.

"That's horrible," Demeter said with eyes widen in horror of that happening.

That caught both Raven's and the man's attention completely making Raven drop the gun in horror and place her hands over her mouth in shock.

"Raven," Alex said softly feeling sorry for the poor girl.

The man quickly ran over to Charles's side and used his powers to remove the bullet from his spine. The teammates ran over but were stopped by the man yelling "Stay back!"

He then turned to Raven and glared at her before saying "You did this," and used his powers on the metal necklace, that had a metal heart locket, around her neck to shorten up to the middle of her neck and tighten itself around her neck.

"What the-? Why is he doing this?! She's a good kid!!!" Leo shouted out in horror and frustration.

"He was acting out in anger and needed someone to blame," Grover responded with downcast eyes.

"So he decided to blame a nine year old kid?!?!" Leo shouted out in frustration.

Thalia just remained silent and looked at the hologram with worrisome eyes.

She began to choke and try aimlessly to claw at the necklace to let herself breathe while pleading to the man with her eyes but the man only glared at her and tightened the necklace around her neck more with his powers.

"Ugh! Charles, do something you slowpoke," Leo yelled out to the hologram making everyone frown at him before he fell to the ground unconscious and asleep.

"Erik, she didn't do this. You did this yourself," Charles said in pain while trying to save his beloved sister.

This caught Erik's attention so he put his hand down and turned off his powers making Raven fall towards the ground on her hands and knees trying to catch her breath.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2017 ⏰

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