Someday, Someone

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I always wondered why it only took a split-second of heartbeat for other people to make someone fall in love with them, while I—a not so special creature in the eyes of many—have been struggling my whole nineteen years of existence to even get a date.

Take my best friend, for example, the bubbly (and the curvy, not to mention) one between the two of us. She just had to crack a joke and the guy would be head over heels for her.

So I thought, was it because I'm boring?

Then one moment crossed my mind:

"If only you're taller, I could've already courted you," I remembered one classmate of mine during high school told me.

I gazed at him nonchalantly like it's no big deal, smiling at him with my lips tightly shut to not blurt out the thing I wanted to ask him: What's wrong with being short?

It's already been years since that sentence was said to me but I still recall us seated at the concrete flight of stairs near our classroom during recess time and how he stared at me with regret that he couldn't pursue me just because I ain't tall enough.

It's not because I like him that it affected me so much.

He may be the captain of our basketball team but he wasn't my type (as much as I wasn't his). He's not attractive, to be very frank.

That single sentence affected me, my self-esteem, my self-confidence.

It hurted that maybe that was the exact reason why I seemed to not exist to the guys I liked.

But I needed to accept the fact that I'm too short for my age because that's the way I was meant to be. I know I am unique in the special ways that I am in spite of having average characteristics—curved nose that wasn't too sharp or too flat, pale lips that weren't too thin or too broad, clear skin that wasn't too dark or too pale, straight hair that wasn't too dark or too light, slanted eyes that aren't too small or too big.

I may not be most guys drool over but I know someday, someone's going to look at me like I'm the most beautiful girl he has ever seen because I'm much more than my body.

I would be enough no matter how short and boring I am. He would see the sparkle in my eyes and the radiant in my smiles that no one admired. He would notice the fire in my soul and the pride in my strides that nobody paid attention to.

He would love me for what I am.

And, without knowing, that someday might be today and that someone might be the guy I never expect it to be—like the guy who asked my name and wrote it on the plastic cup of the Strawberry Frappe I ordered in Starbucks.

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