Clouded Vision, Chpt 2

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The pic is of Eve's inspiration, or some(ok like no-one but me) mite reconize her as the actress that plays Abby on Primeval!!! Anyone?? No? Ok. I have a drawing that I drew of Eve but it won't let me post for some reason. I'll try later.

Sun shined on Vincent, slightly waking him. He was asleep on the ground, tired, naked, and dirty. Vincent winced at the sharp sun, and sighed. I was so close. He thought in despair. He lied on his side, and saw to his surprise his clothes, neatly folded. Eve, was his immediate thought, but still smelled nothing. Vince sat up and reluctantly put on his clothes. They smelled strange, like soap and felt strangely soft against his skin. Vince wished Eve would have stayed, but stood.

He looked around the forest, wondering what to do. Vincent wished to try and find Adair and the pack, regardless of threats, but the fight within him had dwindled. He was condemned to death, to eventually be found, hunted, and killed. Vincent no longer had the wish to fight his fate; rejection had crumbled him from the inside out. So there were three choices. To stay in the forest, go back to the town, or stray to a different town. Adair had ordered him to go back to the city. This compelled him to do so. Because obeying a leader made him feel more like he was part of a pack. Besides, maybe I'll run into Eve. The small hope confirmed his decision.

At the edge of the city, Vincent stopped, a bit unsure. During the day there'd be people who would undoubtfully see him. His yellow eye was a red flag and his other eye was even worse. But the city was busy at this time of day. They wouldn't pay attention to threats during the day; their instincts turned off. He pulled up his collar a bit, happy for the cold as an excuse, and entered.

He walked as someone dying not to be noticed, nervous and fidgety; like a criminal worried about getting caught. Blood pumped through Vincent's veins, loud in his ears. If he could walk with his eyes shut without attracting attention he would.

Then finally an alley revealed itself. Vincent slipped into it gladly and retreated into the deepest, darkest corner possible.

Vince frowned. Stupid eyes. He thought. They attract the most attention. Even the messed up eye wasn't nearly as bad as the color when it came to the color. It condemned him to being dangerous if or when he was found out, yes, but it was the color that marked him as different in the first place. It didn't happen often, but humans did occasionally get the same injury as he. But no human no Earth naturally had yellow eyes.

Eve's scent suddenly crawled into the air. Vince growled, not ready to remember his rejection quite yet.

"Peace, I bring gifts," Eve called out laughing.

Vincent closed his eyes and listened to Eve's quick little footsteps.

"How did you find me?" he asked.

Eve laughed lightly again. "Are you kidding? I can't hear anything else with your stomach growling like that."

Vincent smiled, realizing how long it's been since his last meal, and opened his eyes to see cheerful Eve holding a brown bag. Smells of wonderous food wafted from it. Vince's stomach clenched uncomfortably, begging for something to eat.

"Is that for me?" Vincent asked tentively.

Eve smiled. "Of course."

Vincent snatched the bag away and tore into the bread inside. His stomach sighed in relief, like a blind man seeing the sun.

Eve frowned with discontent. "How long has it been since your last meal?"

Vince frowned too between bites. "Don't remember." He admitted. "Maybe four or five days ago."

Eve shook her head. "Should of brought you more food."

Vincent laughed with delight. "Next time."

After the bag was empty, curiosity sank in. "So why are you here?" he asked.

Eve looked down. "To apologize for Adair. He was torturing you."

Vincent shivered at the memory of the accusion, and though it was irrelevant now, the shame of being called a traitor.

"Not like you could do anything." He mumbled.

Eve sat next to Vincent and curled into a ball. "You're not going to die." She told him.

Vincent snorted. "Without a pack I'm a dead wolf." He countered.

"How? As long as no-one sees you-"

Vincent shook his head. "How am I supposed to eat?"

Eve brought a little box into view and gave it to him. Inside were a green contact and an eye patch. "I thought green would be your color." She explained.

"So my choice is between werewolf and pirate?"

"Just put in the contact."

He obeyed slavishly, blinking from the strange human plastic, and put on the eye patch as well.

"Well?" he asked. "Do I look human?"

Eve nodded, and Vince griminced.

She reached over in response and took Vince's eye patch, then sat back and played with it absently. Moments passed.

"They're not evil you know."

Vincent looked over, surprised at her words. "What, humans?"

Eve nodded.

Vincent shook his head. "No, not evil exactly, but ignorant little monkeys they are."

Eve looked down. "They fear us for good reason." She commented. "So you remember the old days?"

Vincent sighed. The old days sounded wonderful, like a dream, when one could hunt humans freely without worry. Now hunting humans was completely out of the question.

"We didn't hunt them to neat extinction." He muttered.

They don't know that. As far as they know there are hundreds, maybe thousands of werewolves left."

Vince snorted. "How wrong they are."

Eve stood. "Come." She said.

Vincent recoiled from the hand.

"Let's test your contact." She urged.

Vincent shhok his head. "It's too dangerous." He whispered. But in reality he was afraid.

"Trust me." She begged. "The contacts work, I promise you."

Vince rolled over to not face Eve. "I'm tired." Shivers ran down his spine.

Eve sat next to him. "You know why you think humans are trash? Because all you see is their trash hack here. Come and see their beauty."

Vince sat up. "Why do you insist on doing this?"

"Because I don't want to see you die back here in the terror of isolation."

At these words, which was exactly Vince planned on doing, he sighed in defeat and stood.

"Alright." He gave reluctantly. "But not too long."

Eve rolled her eyes. "Of course, because you have such important business back here." And grabbed his hand. The touch slightly startled Vince. He pulled back at the flinch, and stared at his yellow eyes hiding behind green.

"You can be happy in this world." She promised. "Even next to humans."

Maybe next to you. He thought. Eve seemed to becoming his portal to sanity.

Then Eve took his hand, and led him into the light.

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