Chapter 8

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3 moons later...

Dawnpaw stalked quietly through the forest as the smell of prey flowed through her nose. The wind blew softly around her making a faint whistling sound. Then in front of her, a large bush began to rustle softly as she slowly approached it closer and closer.

She narrowed her eyes as she silently leaped into the bush and landed on a small clump of fur beneath her paws, that she made out was a thrush. She bit down onto its neck making it go limp as she picked it up and appeared out of the bush.

She stood proudly with the thrush in her mouth as her mentor, Gingersplash sat a little ways away watching proudly. "Very good. So far you've caught a mouse and a thrush." Below Gingersplash laid a limp mouse right by her paws.

Dawnpaw padded up to Gingersplash and added the mouse to the pile. She looked up towards Gingersplash and asked "How much longer is my assessment?" Gingersplash mewed calmly "One more piece of prey then you will pass."

Dawnpaw nodded as she spun around and raced back past the bush and ran around tall pine trees. She suddenly came to a halt when she smelled the scent of Brightclan on their side of the territory.

Dawnpaw was going to go back and alert Gingersplash, but a familiar male voice laughed "Orangepaw! That was my catch!"

Dawnpaw quickly unleashed her claws and leaped into view. She saw a sandy tom and a ginger she-cat standing there, holding a rabbit.

The tom purred happily "Hey Dawnpaw! How have you been?" As the she-cat next to him shared the same emotion.

Dawnpaw lowered her ears as she got into a pounce position "This is Mistclan territory and that's our rabbit. Get out before I make you."

The tom laughed "It's me! Sunpaw! Have you got bees in your brain?"

Dawnpaw snapped back as she growled "Apparently you do if you carelessly crossed our border. Now leave!"

Orangepaw unleashed her claws and jumped in front of her brother hissing "You won't lay a claw on him!"

Dawnpaw watched her old friends, heart broken at the hostility towards each other. Dawnpaw shook her head when she saw sadness in Sunpaw's eyes. I'm sorry but my clan comes first...

Dawnpaw leaped at Orangepaw and bit down onto her front legs. Orangepaw yowled as she bit down onto the back of Dawnpaw's neck.

Dawnpaw hissed in fury as she jumped back and leaped into the air, twisting, as she landed on top of Orangepaw, slicing at her back as much as she can.

Sunpaw gasped as he watched helplessly "Stop! We're friends! What's gotten into you guys?"

Dawnpaw managed to knock Orangepaw over and pin her hard on the ground hissing in her face. She looked up towards Sunpaw and growled "We're not friends and we never will be. One more time...leave our territory."

Sunpaw narrowed his eyes but dipped his head "Very well. We will be on our way now."

Dawnpaw stepped back letting Orangepaw get to her feet and follow behind her brother, leaving the limp rabbit on the ground. The bush behind her began to rustle, and Gingersplash's head peeked up.

Dawnpaw asked half mad "Did you just watch that entire fight without helping?"

Gingersplash came out of the bush and nodded "I knew you could handle it. I heard fighting and I came to check it out."

Dawnpaw picked up the rabbit and dropped it at Gingersplash's feet. "This is the rabbit they caught on our territory."

Gingersplash picked it up and spun around with Dawnpaw following behind her. She commented "So you don't like Sunpaw anymore?"

Dawnpaw laughed shocked "What?"

Gingersplash mewed sternly "I thought you and Sunpaw liked each other...I guess you proved me wrong."

Dawnpaw smirked at the thought of hiding her old secret Dang right I did! But for some reason...I feel heart broken for hurting him like that...

When they arrived back to the camp Gingersplash mewed calmly "You should go get your wounds treated by Creamleaf and Leafblossum."

Dawnpaw nodded as she made her way towards the Medicine den and saw Creamleaf and Leafblossum organizing herbs. Dawnpaw greeted "Hey Creamleaf! Hey Leafblossum!"

They both looked back towards Dawnpaw and smiled. Leafblossum mewed happily "Hey Dawnpaw. What did you do this time?"

Dawnpaw chuckled "I got into a fight with apprentices from Brightclan." Creamleaf asked surprised "They crossed our border?"

Dawnpaw nodded and showed the scratch marks on her back and laughed a little "Yeah...I just have a few scratches but that's all!"

Leafblossum spun around and grabbed cobwebs as she put some on Dawnpaw's wounds. "This should stop the bleeding for now. Try not to bounce around as much today ok?"

Dawnpaw nodded as she walked out of the Medicine den, looking back towards them smiling "Thanks!" When she looked straight ahead, she bumped into a black and white she-cat

"Oof! Oh! Sorry Duskpaw!" Dawnpaw gasped as she realized she had ran into her sister. Duskpaw laughed a little "It's ok. I heard you chased off Sunpaw today."

Dawnpaw tilted her head "Why did you say his name like that?"

Duskpaw laughed and shifted her paws "Like what? Sunpaw?

Dawnpaw mewed wide eyed "Yeah! Like that!"

Duskpaw teased as she looked at her sister "I don't know. I figured you had a crush on him, since you talk about him so much."

Dawnpaw corrected slyly "Talked. As in past tense. We don't have anything between each other now."

Duskpaw spun around and glanced over her shoulder towards her sister "Alright if you say so. Just know it's against the warrior code if you do." With that, she continued walking away.

Dawnpaw sighed with laughter as she saw Dreampaw and Hawktalon laying down together by the warrior den's under the rays of the sun.

Dawnpaw purred quietly to herself "She's going to have his kits soon at this rate."

"Does that mean I'm going to be an Uncle?" Dawnpaw glanced over her shoulder and saw Stonepaw approaching her laughing.

Dawnpaw mewed happily "Hey Stonepaw! Your going to be a warrior soon right?"

Stonepaw nodded "Yep! Treepaw, Dreampaw, and I are going to be made warriors tomorrow!"

Dawnpaw purred "Congratulations!"

He dipped his head respectfully "Thank you. I'm starting to grow nervous."

Dawnpaw rested her tail on his shoulder and stood beside him "Don't be. You will be great! Tell Treepaw I said hi when you see him."

Stonepaw nodded as he spun around and headed for the fresh kill pile. That will be me my warrior ceremony.

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