•i'm not going to see kol•

Start from the beginning

"Again with the wishes. Let me rephrase, you will come back with me or I will put you back in that coffin in which you rotted for 900 years." Klaus threatened.

"What happens to one, happens to all. You may not feel the effects of the dagger, but you two would lose your precious Rebekah." Finn told the two.

Imogen slightly looked away as Klaus smirked and squeezed her hand, telling her it was okay. Finn's eyes narrowed seeing the intertwined hands of his younger brother and the stunning Immortal.

"Wouldn't be the first time." Klaus said as Finn shakes his head in disbelief and walks away as Klaus watched him leave.

Klaus glanced at the noirette, who nodded and disappeared while Finn super speeds down an alleyway but Imogen and Rebekah blocked his path.

"Let's not make this any worse than it has to be, darling brother." Rebekah told Finn.

"You're siding with him? Rebekah, he stored us," Finn said, glancing at Imogen. "in boxes."

Rebekah shrugs. "At least he's not trying to make us extinct."

As Imogen smiled at Finn, he turns around and saw Klaus behind him.

"What are you gonna do? Kill me?" Finn asked.

"Oh yeah, that's right, you've got a death wish. Fine, pathetic, but fine." Klaus said

"I'm not gonna let you take the rest down with you, Finn." Imogen said, stepping forward and lifted her hands towards Finn. She telepathically threw him harshly against the wall and he crumples to the ground, groaning in pain as Klaus and Rebekah smirked at each other.


Imogen, Klaus and Rebekah returned to Mystic Falls with Finn. As soon as they arrived at the Mikaelson mansion, Klaus threw Finn into the foyer.

"Gather your witch. Let's get his blood and get on with it." Rebekah said as she stared down at Finn.

"You can't force me to help you." Finn told them.

Klaus smirked and glanced at Imogen. "Oh, I could but Imogen, here most likely could, but why force when I can persuade?" he said.

Imogen smiled at Finn. "Look up, Finn." she said and points her hand towards the staircase.

Sage walked down the stairs as Finn, who looks at her in shock. The redhead smiled happily, seeing her true love. "Hello, Finn."


As Sage's smiles widen, Finn quickly gets up and rushed over to her. The lovers happily embraced each other. Imogen smiled happily at the two as Klaus smiled down at her as he intertwined his hand with hers.

Rebekah turned to the two. "What do you know, true love prevails." she said, sarcastically and noticed the intertwined hands of her best friend and older brother.

"It does occasionally have its uses." Klaus agreed. "Easier than torturing him."

"You are not gonna torture him, Nik." Imogen told the hybrid sternly.

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