Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

 Santiago Beach is a place where all the seniors hang out on weekends and sometimes weekdays. Juniors and Sophomores are pretty much forbidden to go here.

Unless you’re with the right people.

Amber has been loose friends with Emma since 2nd grade, but they’ve never been close. But Emma likes Amber because she knows how to have a good time unlike me who would rather be hiding in a corner.

I made sure my mom was asleep before throwing on jeans and a black wrap around sweater. I even bothered to do my hair which was nothing special but I haven’t really taken good care of it in a while.

At 11 there was a soft knock on the door.

“Hunter let’s go” I hiss

Hunter was passed out on the couch, tired from doing nothing all day.

I open the door and Amber was standing there, smiling. Her black hair was pulled into a ponytail and a grey sweater matched her pale blue eyes.

“Dam” Hunter whispered from behind me.

I elbowed him again.

“Let’s go, their waiting” Amber whispered.

Even though it was a Wednesday night, there were at least 4 other people in Emma’s car.

“I wonder if Jason’s there” Hunter whispered.

“Dude, stop brining up Jason every 10 seconds are you in love with him or something?” I snarl.

“No but he’s-“ Hunter stopped mid-sentence, his light brown hair waved around.

I can see why Emma thought he was cute.

“He’s what”


“Hunter what”

“NOTHING” he hissed

“I was so shocked that you wanted to come like seriously I thought because of the party on Friday you were gonna be like no way but I guess not” Amber said.

“Haha, nope” I said.

Hunter scoffed.

“Why don’t I get any credit?” he whined.

“Because you’re not really here” I whisper.

Amber opened the door and inside was Anna, and 2 other football players. Oh and Jason who was sitting in the back.

“Sit in the back I’m sitting up front with Emma” Amber said, shoving me into the back seat.

“Where do I sit?” Hunter whispered.

“Climb into the trunk”


“You have a better idea?”

Hunter groans and climbs in the back of the third row seats and I follow into the back seat.

“Hey Aurora” everyone chimes.


The music is loud in the car now as we drive down the street. The 2 football players are talking to Amber, Emma and Anna. I have a feeling that Jason was the 5th wheel here.

“Hey” Jason says smiling.

“Hey” I whispered.

Okay confession time: Even though I’ve kissed a couple boys, I don’t really count them as my “first kiss”

I guess I just think of my real “first kiss” with someone who matters.

Which is lame.

I know.

“So, how’ve you liked my jacket?” Jason asked.

I started to blush furiously.

“It’s warm” I say.

Jason smiles.

“Will you move up? I’m having trouble breathing” Hunter snarls from behind the seats.

I grimace.

Jason is quiet, looking at his hands, not making eye contact. It’s unusual for him to do that.

The back of the car is quiet while in front Amber and Emma talk loudly, drinking beer, laughing with the two football players. My stomach drops. What if Amber and Emma become friends? What if Amber totally ditches me for Emma and Anna? It’s possible, we haven’t been that close lately.

The music is loud in the car and Jason still seems like he’s a nervous wreck.

Maybe he can sense Hunter’s here.

Maybe Hunter’s right: Maybe Jason does like me.

He can probably sense Hunter.

“Uh so how’s um, everything going with Lily?” I say, breaking the tension.

Jason looks up from his hands.

“I’m about 2 texts away from just breaking up with her. God she is so annoying. I don’t even know why I wanted to be with her anyways. Everyone told me that she’s totally crazy.”

“Is she?”

“As fuck”

I laugh.

Jason smiles again.

Hunter snorts.

For a second, I thought Jason could hear him.

We drive for another 15 minutes until Emma stops right at the edge of the sand. You could see the fire from the campfire that other people had lighten. There was music playing and people’s voices filled the air. I felt my stomach churn.

“Let’s goooo slow poke!” Amber said, pulling me along next to Emma.

“Oh my gosh there’s so many people here” Emma slurred.

“Hey guys!” Emma calls.

The group of Seniors turn around and wave to us to come over.

“You guys made it!” one of the perky girls squeal. She was obviously tipsy because she kept falling onto her boyfriend.

“Duhhh” Amber said.

A lot of people were dancing and drinking. I felt weird.

“Aurora common have a little fun” Amber said, pulling me into a group.

I honestly don’t remember what happened next.

Everyone was dancing, Emma, Amber and Anna were being nice to me, not totally ignoring me like usual.

 But then I felt sick.

Everything became blurry. I stumble away from the crowd of people.

What time is it?

The ocean waves crashed onto the shore. I wanted to go near them but that probably wasn’t a good idea.

“Aurora!” Jason’s voce yelled.

I turn around.

Before I could answer, everything went dark. 

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