Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

When I woke up, it wasn’t because of my alarm clock. No that wasn’t supposed to go off until 3 hours later. I woke up to something falling. I look and see the picture of Hunter I kept on my dresser had fallen to the floor. Nobody was around. And the picture was always surrounded by things to block his face. I get out from my bed, tiptoeing to make sure not to wake my mom who was just in the next room but hears like a freaking elephant. I pick up the photo of him, staring at it for just a moment. He had hazel eyes, and brown chestnut hair. In the photo he was smiling, looking as happy as ever. You killed him. You did this. He would have been here right now if you weren’t so slow and stupid. You ruined his life and his family just for you. Just because you’re selfish. I thought. I quickly place the photo in its ring of stuff that surrounds it. I’m not a huge believer in supernatural things but I don’t oppose to them either. So Hunters picture being knocked down wasn’t totally scary but it wasn’t reassuring either. I walk out of my bedroom, well aware that it was 3am, but I didn’t really care at the moment. 6th month anniversary. Right now at this time it was right before… right before Hunter died. Right before my life changed forever. I flop down on the couch, turning on the TV to low volume. I sat there for what seemed like forever, watching the sky change from pitch black to orange to red and finally to the sky blue. The TV was playing a Star Wars marathon, Amber and my favorite movie. At about 5:30 my mother emerged from her room, her brown curly hair perfectly in place, makeup done flawlessly and a black pantsuit.

“Hey darling, what are you doing up so early?” she asked as she rushed around the kitchen which was right next to the living room.

 I shrug. If I told her that I was up from 3 she would want to drag me back to that stupid shrink.

 “My alarm woke me up early so I figured I’d just get up” I lied.

My mom is a successful lawyer at a huge firm in Manhattan, which we live about an hour from.

“Alright, I’ll be back early tonight. Any plans?” she asked, but the moment she said it she stopped applying her make-up.

 “Oh” I felt my face go red. “Not really” I reply, fiddling with my hands.

Mom nods slowly and continues with getting ready. I know she’s sensitive about the entire thing, and who could blame her. I mean she has a daughter that’s almost as guilty as the killer. At least my dad wasn’t around. He left almost 2 years ago with some 20 something year old and I haven’t talked to him since. I miss him though because we had a really good relationship. Every Sunday he would take me to the minor league baseball games and watch the little 7 year olds play. It was lame but I loved it because my dad and I would always talk there. He was like my older brother that I never got. And I guess they felt pretty bad about not giving me another sibling because up until he left they spoiled me a lot. But money got tight and he left so now it’s just me and my mom. I know she misses him, even though she says she doesn’t. She’s just trying to be strong. “I’m off Aurora, I love you” she said and walked out the door, into the warm spring daybreak.

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