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Somebody That I Used To Know- Epilogue

       It had been three years since Alex's death, and finally, Clara was happy again. Her father was questioned on the alleged murder of Alex, but was found innocent and wasn't charged with anything. She moved into a flat with John after everything cleared up and finally went to a university, where she got a degree in English Literature and her Master's in teaching. She taught fourth grade at a school in central London. The children simply adored her. Clara was an excellent teacher, loving and understanding, which made her so easy to talk to about anything. Much like her mother, Clara got along with everyone and made people feel comfortable whenever they were around her. It was because of this that she was able to help John through his endeavor.

       The guilt he felt simply began to overtake him a few weeks after Alex died. John believed that he drove Alex to the heart attack by stressing him out. He blamed himself for it, and without Clara's help, his life would have been destroyed. She talked to him every day, reassuring him that Alex had lost a lot of blood and the lack of it had caused the heart attack, not stress. She never gave up on him, and never judged him for his past actions. Clara supported him in almost every way possible. John didn't know what he would do without her.

       So, on May 5, he proposed to her, presenting two rings. One was the usual diamond engagement ring, but the other was a Ring Pop. He never forgot that day when he promised to marry her. September 9 was the day he fulfilled that promise. The same date as when they first met in kindergarten. Eventually, John had to explain to his parents what really happened because they believed their only son was dead. If he wanted them at the wedding, he would have to tell them anyway, and he did. They forgave him after a while, and happily attended the marriage of their son to Clara.

       Clara had her own family issues to deal with. She talked to her father and told him that if he wanted to walk her down the aisle, he would have to go to a rehabilitation center to come to terms with his alcoholism. Dave agreed, and four months later, he walked his only daughter down the aisle of that same church that he and Ellie had been married in.

       They had twins, a son and a daughter. Their son was named after a close friend and their daughter was named after Clara's mother. Alex and Ellie grew every day, filling their parents' lives with so much joy and love. Their family was whole, never to be split apart. No matter what was thrown their way, John and Clara found a way through everything.

       John adored his daughter, who was exactly like her mother in every way except one. Ellie had his eyes, a deep blue, yet they seemed to gaze directly into one's soul. Her laugh was like a bell, so delicate and beautiful. Intelligent, beautiful, and just perfect in every way. She was his little girl. Nothing could ever take that away. Every night, John would either read her stories, or tell her tales of a boy who ran away from home just to realize that everything he could ever want was where he was originally. The bond between them was special, just like most father-daughter relationships are, but this one was filled with so much more wonder than most.

       Alex, naturally, was like John, but shared many qualities with Clara as well. At one point during his childhood, he asked where he got his name from, and both John and Clara told the story of Alex McKnight, a caring young man who ended up helping them in every way possible.

       Life was perfect like they always wished it would be, and every year, they visited the graves of the two most important people in their lives, Ellie Oswald and Alex McKnight. Both of them, though gone from this earth, had their legacies continued through John and Clara's children.

       As the years went on, they were never forgotten. How can you ever forget those who cared about so you much that they never gave up hope on you, even in your darkest times?

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