Chapter 11

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Somebody That I Used To Know- Chapter Eleven

       Hand in hand, John and Clara ran down the hallway to Alex's room. Upon seeing nurses with the defibrillator, Clara began to break down into tears. She let go of John's hand and fell to her knees. He stopped to make sure she was okay, but she stopped him yelling, "Go, John! Save him!” John made his way to the room and closed the door behind him.

       Clara stayed on the ground, closing her eyes and covering her ears. She didn't want to know what the outcome was until John told her. "God, please don't take him. Please don't take him." She whispered.

       When John got there, Alex was laying there, practically lifeless, with nurses and attendees surrounding him. He pushed his way past them, assessing the situation.

       "What do we have here, Jessica?" He asked the closest nurse, trying his best to stay calm.

       "His heart rate just plummeted unexpectedly. He's in a full cardiac arrest. He has a minute at most."

       "Alright," John said, grabbing the paddles and rubbing them together,

"Everyone ready? Set it at 400 to start. Clear!" He pushed the paddles down on Alex's chest and watched it rise and fall. No response. "500! Clear!" Again. Nothing. "700! Clear!" Over and over, John watched as he sent hundreds of volts of electricity through Alex's body with no reaction. That was it. Alex was gone. Another person had died at his hands. This was his fault, and now he had to deliver the news to Clara. This would break her. "Call it. Time of death," John looked down at his watch as he began to walk out hastily, wanting to get to

Clara before she heard it from someone else. "3:28."

       John had ten seconds at most walking down the hallway to figure out what to say. He already knew what her reaction would be. Alex was the only one there for her during those two years when he was gone. How could he tell her that the only person she counted on during that time was dead?

       As he approached Clara, he could see that she knew. Getting down on one knee, John looked at her tear-streaked face and told her what happened. "I'm sorry, Clara. I'm so sorry. I did everything I could. I-I couldn't revive him. He's...gone." They knelt there on the floor, crying, not caring if anyone saw them. Even though Alex was never nice to John, he was still a former teammate and classmate. Alex was the one who took care of Clara when he himself couldn't.

He owed him so much for just that and now he was gone forever.

       The funeral was the next week and all of the former classmates who showed up were surprised to see John there, thinking he was dead. He didn't get into that though. The day was to celebrate Alex's life, even though it only lasted for 21 years. The service began in the church and proceeded to the cemetery, where it began to rain, reflecting the faces of those there.

       Eventually, everyone would have to move on. It's what would have to be done. No one would be able to live a healthy life if they held onto their grief forever. If Clara and John didn't let go, the grief would eat away at them. John would have to forgive himself for his brother's death. Clara would always remember Alex for his goodness, not the anger he showed in his last conversation with her. At least she had John to spend her life with. Nothing would be the same, but Alex would always be somebody that they used to know.

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