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:{-- at some point, you have to realise that not everyone in your heart can be in your life --}:

"Y/N. Wake up. Y/N!"

"Huh? Wha..."

A harsh light was shining in my eyes. My immediate thought was that I'd woken yet again to a torch being shoved in my face, only to realise it was the sun.

I looked up to see Jungkook leaning over me, his hair wet and dripping on the floor around me. He was positioned so that I didn't get wet, yet was still close enough for me to feel his breath on my face.

The hot air tickled me, and I looked up at his face. Small water droplets were sliding down hours forehead from his hair.

"You want to be clean? There's a public shower back there, comes with towels and stuff. It's pretty secluded, though. Unlikely anyone's coming this way, and even if they do I've found somewhere to hide."

I was still dazed after being woken up so brutally, but I nodded, my mouth hanging open.

He moved back, pointing to where I had to go. The door was obvious, a dull unisex sign just hanging off of it.

I headed to it, anticipating the shower, be it warm or cold. I just wanted to be somewhat clean. 

Opening the door, my eyes merely glanced at the rusted shower head before I locked the door and prepared myself for cleanliness.

The water was cold, yet soothing as it ran down my bare back. It felt weird being naked in a public place, and I tried my best not to think of what other people could have done in here and concentrate on the shower.

I made it as quick as possible, coming out after about ten minutes. Five with the water on, five to dry myself. 

Jungkook was exactly where he'd been when I'd left, sat on the concrete. He seemed at peace, as though he hadn't killed a cop, and countless others, within the past month. I'm surprised I didn't make a run for it, having a chance at freedom, but my gut told me I was better off with him. I always trust my gut.

My hair was damp, dripping onto my clothes and leaving small wet patches on my shoulders. I'd tried as best I could to dry it, but it was still soaked, despite my efforts.

"Jungkook... Where are we going?"

"We'll see. I don't really know other than away from there."

"Did you have to kill him? I mean, it was a bit unnecessary to me..."

"I had to kill him. It was that or he killed us."

"We could have talke-"

"He wouldn't have listened. In this world, you don't forgive sinners. My sins are too great to be passed over, and we both would have died."

"I... I guess you're right..."

"Let's get going. We need somewhere to sleep tonight."



We found an abandoned mall, graffiti covered and litter everywhere, and climbed through a hole in the wall. The hole was a bit high up, but Jungkook helped me through and was able to get himself up without help.

Once we were in, we started looking around. It was pretty old, having been left for nearly twenty years, and the result was a nearly falling down building, with no-one inside except maybe a few homeless people. The only damage they could do was minimal, Jungkook's infamous reputation even being known by them. 

An escalator stood in the very centre, dust having gathered on it over the years. It lead to an open space on the ground floor, and I rushed to the edge to peer over. The fences had fallen down at some point, but I went right to the edge and sat, my legs swinging.

"You know, Y/N, I've realised something. Despite my having kidnapped you, you're nearly always happy. Why?"

"Well, this is better than my life back then. I like it. Apart from the whole 'I'm not alive' thing, being hidden from society is actually really thrilling. It's been a long time since I've had opportunities like this. Even coming here would have never happened. It would have been too daunting for me to do alone, and no-one would have gone with if I paid them."

I spoke while leaning further over the drop, knocking a stone down as I did so. I fell, a quick thud sounding when it landed.

"So you like the thought of being imprisoned?"

"Not really. But if it does come to that, I'll take it. It's not like my life was any more exhilarating before any of this."

"Oh. With me, I'm never going to prison. If I do get caught, and there's no way out of it, I'd rather die. I'd kill myself."

"Well that's nice."

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