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«He's like a drug that I'm addicted too, and there's no way that I can stop my craving»


I spent the next day having a Harry Potter marathon, popcorn in hand. The only time I got up was when I needed the toilet, because I'm not like some people, and I'm not gonna pee in a bucket.

There was another victim that day. A 56-year-old woman was the one who found the body. Young, beautiful and smart, her name was Alicia and she was 24. I would have found it sad if, during the news report about it, they hadn't shown a video of her younger brother, a 5-year-old, running around like a maniac. Now, whenever I think about the murder all I can see is an insane kid. Kinda ruins it for me.

I keep getting real life sightings of him. A speeding car; a glimpse in a window or a flash in an alley. Not once have I reported it though, because I don't want to be the one responsible for getting him arrested.

There's this TV show I've started watching. It's a DC show, and it's about Harley Quinn and The Joker, how they met and stuff.

She was a psychiatrist that, after begging to, was assigned to The Joker in Arkham Asylum. She eventually fell in love with him, helping him escape.

All I could think.of.qhile watching it was Jungkook.

I don't know why.

Maybe because he's similar to The Joker, how he appears a bit mentally unstable in some videos he's left around, and, the obvious one, he kills people.

But still, Jungkook?

At nearly midnight, I realised I hadn't eatenuch all day, and was therefore starving. I was reluctant to making a meal, so decided to go and get some McDonald's or KFC.

An area of town was fenced off, police tape everywhere. It was where her body had been found.

As I walked through the dark, a torch seem someone up ahead shone in my eyes, making me squint. I couldn't see much, just the outline of someone coming towards me.

They stopped around a metre in front of me, causing me to stop too.

"This one looks nice..." they said, and I froze.

"Wow. She recognises my voice. I'm a celebrity."

I wasn't scared. I was face to face with him, yet no fear was running through me.

"Jeon Jungkook." I said, and the light flicked away from my face, revealing him.

"Yes? You wanna say something?"

"I'm not afraid."

"Well then, Peaches, that's not gonna last for long. In fact, why don't you tell me your name?"


"Now, Y/N, tell me. Why are you not afraid?"

"The idea of dying has never scared me. It's inevitable, so why be scared? To fear something that can't be helped is idiotic."

"Ha... That makes sense. You're a smart girl... If death doesn't scare you, how about pain?"

"I... I've been through some bad stuff... I can handle most of what the world throws at me."

"Hehe... I'll give you some more time. Meet me here in one week if you want it to be quick. If you're not here, just know that I already have your address and a working key."

I went to walk past him, keeping my face blank. But, as I passed him, a seating pain hit my stomach.

"Where are you going? I may have said I wasn't going to kill you, bit I never said I wasn't gonna hurt you... So be a good girl and stay still."

I couldn't move anyway, he'd hit something, leaving me unable to budge. A sharp hit to the head later, and was sprawled on the floor. My stomach was obviously cut badly, my head hurt like hell and I could taste blood. He kicked me, and I spat out most of the blood in my mouth, making a delightful pattern on the pavement.

"Are you scared, Peaches!? Do you want to run and tell your mum-"

"My mum's dead! I can't do that!"

"Well that means when I kill you, no-one's going to miss you!"

I couldn't reply because of the blood gathering in my mouth. All I could do was slowly choke.

"Jung- Jungkoo-" I mumbled, inhaling my own blood as I spoke.

"What?" he looked down, "Oh. That's going to be a problem..."

Short breaths were all I could manage, but they kept me just conscious. He poked me with his foot, not knowing what he should do.

Through the dark, an engine could be heard. Jungkook seemed to briefly disappear, then I heard him running in the opposite direction to where I suspected he'd gone.

A hand shook my shoulder, and I was able to see someone, phone in hand, dialing 999 (or 911 or even 119). All I could think while they cooed at me, trying to maintain my eye contact with them, was this.

Did Jeon Jungkook just help me?

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