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The flight from London was a long and tiring one. By the time we got into another one of the Wilson's sleek, black cars, I was exhausted. Despite the fact that I was now temporarily living in the one country I have always wanted to visit, I couldn't keep my eyes open for much longer. Slowly, I drifted away, my mind focused on the events that occurred yesterday.

* * * * * * *

I woke up, my mind fuzzy, but still acutely aware of the fact that I was wet even though I'm sure I was dry before going to sleep. Then it hit me. I must have been abducted by teen crazed unicorns that have taken me to the mermaids - there fishy ancestors hideout as a peace offering. Well, these unicorns and mermaids are in for one heck of a surprise because NO ONE but NO ONE can mess with me. I am THE Jasmine Anderson.

Nevertheless, I got up warily, unsure of where I was due to the incoordination I was receiving from my eyes. Suddenly, everything was upside down - literally, and I went soaring into the deep, wet, slumber that I call water. I paddled my way back up, choking on the water. Out of no where, I heard several deep chuckles. Then they stopped. I turned, again, trying to pinpoint the exact location in which this sound was coming from. My mind was obviously still sleeping, as I only just remembered the fact that I could wipe my eyes.

Slowly, I bought my hands up to my eyes and scrubbed fiercely at them. When I opened my eyes, my first thought was wow. There, standing in front of me were five boys, and these weren't your typical school boys. Hell, no. These were the kind of hot boys that you only saw on the front cover of the 'hottest men alive' magazine. Yep, they were that type. And now, they were all staring at me with those sexy smirks that would've made me go extremely weak at the knees, had I not been in water. Wait, water. Urghhh, here I was, standing in front of five of the hottest guys ever looking like a drowned rat. My face began to flush a deep shade of red, which caused them to chuckle some more. Hey, remember what I said about how my mind was not very good at coordinating with my body? Well, next thing I realise I'm standing in front of 5 incredibly gorgeous specimens mumbling

'Hunks, standing in front of me...HOT people...!' with my eyes bulging out and my jaw hanging on the ground - not literally because that's just creepy and my jaw's not that flexible. Actually, it might be...huh...I should try that out sometime. What was I talking about again? Oh yeah, these fine hunks standing in front of me.

Slowly, I let my eyes go back to their normal size - although getting my jaw to go back wasn't as easy as that. Oh no, as soon as I snapped my jaw shut I let out a muffled scream of pain. You see the thing is, I bit my tongue. Yes, you heard right. That's another thing to add to the long line of embarrassing things I had done in the past two minutes. To make it worse, I just had to awkwardly hop on the spot fanning at my mouth and hoping the pain would go away. It didn't.

"You might want to throw that tongue back into your mouth, sweet cheeks...unless you want my mouth to swing by and claim it, of course.' One of the aforementioned heavenly beings drawled almost lazily without forgetting to wink at me. He winked...at ME. You know what this means? It means that we are practically engaged already. He could come swing by and make babies with me already - I'm so down for it. Ahem. I scolded my mind for coming up with such tempting- I mean dirty thoughts. Bad mind.

I looked away, trying to look anywhere but in their direction. Carefully, I span around taking in my surroundings. At the moment, I was standing in the middle of a giant pool, which was in the middle of a giant garden. On the other end of the pool, slowly floating away was a giant, rectangular float - that explains how I got there. On the other side of the garden, there was a giant house. No, it was large for even a mansion. It had large glass windows covering the front, whilst the back and sides had a beautiful design of ivy climbing along it. Around the house, was a wide, beautiful pathway, filled with a gigantic amount of different kinds of flowers and trees. In front of the house, sat three, sleek cars, one a cute red Mini Cooper, a night blue Lamborghini and a sleek, silver Ferrari. My eyes trailed over the house not just once, or twice, but three times, and each time still took my breath away.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2015 ⏰

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