Chapter 5

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Jolene rolls over in bed half-awake. She opens one eye slightly and looks for her alarm clock. When she finds it she moves her hand over the clock to find the snooze. She doesn't just snooze it, she completely melts the whole clock.

"What the hell?" Jolene mumbled in confusion. She sits up in bed to inspect the clock and then her hands. It is melted to no return, there is no way she can fix the clock, but that isn't the question going through her head.

"Jolene come downstairs, I made coffee," Jupiter yells from the kitchen.

"Okay!" she yells back, she gets out of bed and heads downstairs, still contemplating what the hell just happened.

Meanwhile, Jupiter is in the kitchen making herself a cup of coffee. When the coffee is ready she takes a mug from the cabinet and pours the liquid in it. As she goes to sit down she can hear Jolene mumbling to herself in the hall.

"Here's your coffee," Jupiter said giving Jo a questioning look.

"Okay, thanks," Jolene said not looking at Jupiter at all. 'How could I have melted my clock?' she thought.

"You melted your clock?" Jupiter replied.

"Maybe... wait how did you know?" Jolene asked.

"You just said it," Jupiter replied.

'That is so strange I could have sworn I didn't say that out loud.' Jolene thought.

"Well, you did," Jupiter replied.

"Okay well, I for sure didn't say that out loud," Jolene said getting irritated.

"Yeah, you did. How could I have heard you if you didn't." Jupiter yelled.

'Donuts.' Jolene thought.

"Why would you randomly say donuts?" Jupiter said.

"I didn't I thought it!" Jolene said. "Okay, I'm going to think of something and not say it out loud."

"Okay go," Jupiter said watching Jolene's lips to make sure she wasn't going to talk.

'I melted my clock.' Jolene thought.

"You just said you melted your clock again," Jupiter answered.

"No, I thought it! Can you read my mind?" Jolene asked.

"What is going on with us today!" Jupiter said in frustration.

"What is going on down here?" Ann said walking into the living room.

"Jupiter and I have some strange disease," Jolene said.

"What do you mean?" Ann asked confused.

"Well Jupiter can read minds and I melted my clock," she replied.

"Shoot," Ann said under her breath. "Chris you need to get out here."

"What is going on?" Jupiter asked.

"What Ann, what could it be that you had to wake me up," Chris said walking into the kitchen.

"The girls are getting their powers," Ann said.

"What no they just turned 21 two days ago," Chris said.

"What powers... what are you talking about," Jolene said confused.

"It is true there is proof right here!" Ann said showing Chris the melted clock.

"Shit," Chris said.

"What is going on?" Jupiter asked.

"Do you remember when you are 16 and your friend Abigail wanted to make you like her and then tried to kidnap you. When you guys wouldn't stop asking questions and we sat you down and we told you about the powers you guys would get when you were 21?" Chris asked.

"No," Jolene replied.

"Oh, wait I might. it was so long ago that I barely remembered it." Jupiter said.

"Yeah, we told you that you guys aren't like everyone else and a time would come where you would have to use these powers," Chris said. The girls hesitantly nodded.

"The journal in your old hideout from when you were kids will explain it better than we ever could." Ann chimed in.

"What no we aren't going back there... Too many bad memories." Jupiter said shaking her head.

"You have to," Chris said. "You need to understand what is happening to you."

"What no!" Jupiter refused again.

"We'll go," Jolene said. "We will be quick," she said to Jupiter.

"Fine," Jupiter said stomping out of the kitchen.

The girls arrived at their old house... Well more like an empty lot since the house wasn't there anymore.

"Do you remember where it is?" Jupiter asked. " because I don't remember."

The girls stood in the middle of the field for a couple of minutes just looking into the woods hoping to jog some memories.

" I remember! Follow me!" Jolene said as she took off running, they ran through the trees with the 3 rocks at its base and down the path.

"Slow down I don't want to get lost," Jupiter said.

"We're almost there," Jolene yelled back to her.

The girls stopped in front of a huge tree. Jolene walked up to it and slipped into the hideout.

"Hurry up Jupiter!" she yells to her. Jupiter slips down into the hideout and looks around.

"It hasn't changed a bit. It is exactly the way we left it." Jupiter said.

"I know it is so cool," Jolene replied.

"Let's get the journal," Jupiter said. They grabbed it and they ran back to their bikes. The girls rode all the way home and locked themselves into Jo's room and read up.

"This journal is handwritten. It is like someone wrote it just for us. This situation gets weirder and weirder." Jupiter said.

"Yeah, I agree I wonder who wrote the book. There aren't any names in there." Jolene said.

"So it says here that we are special twins, we are half Goddesses and half-humans, Demi-Goddesses. It says that way back into our family tree one of our female relatives had a child with a God. This was one of the worst things that you could have done as a God in those days so they banished the God to earth. Once a certain organization called "Halo" heard about the Demi-Gods they tried to capture him to run tests and keep him locked up. A separate organization found out and hated that there are Gods on the earth so they made it their life to make sure that the God's bloodline is terminated." Jupiter explained.

"Wow, that is a lot to take in. I wonder what organization it is. I cannot believe that we are Demi-Gods. This is epic!" Jolene said.

"Let me keep reading! Where was I?... Oh, here we go. It says that for 1000 years our bloodline has been in hiding. It talks about mom and dad too!" Jupiter said.

"Let me see," Jolene said snatching up the journal. "It says that mom and dad were agents for Halo and were assigned to raise us and keep us safe until we turned 20 right before we got our powers and then told to bring us back to HQ to start running tests. It says that Halo will do anything to get to us no matter who they have to go through. It says that our real family was murdered by Halo and we were taken away. We are the last of our family." she finished as she slowly put down the journal. Jupiter, still intrigued, grabbed the journal and started reading again.

"It says that when we turn 21 within that year we will acquire powers one at a time. Once we start getting our powers we have to try and harness them as quickly as possible, we have to master our first power before we can develop another one. That's weird but I guess I get why. There is no telling when or where the time will come that you're backs are put against the wall and you will have to use them so make sure we are prepared." Jupiter finished.

"Wow, I don't know what to say. So many things are going on in my head right now, I think I need to go for a run and clear my head." Jolene said as she stood up and slowly walked to her closet to change into running clothes.

"Wait! This part is a little different. It looks like it was written by mom to us." Jupiter said. 

My lovely daughters,

 if you are reading this without your father and me, that means that something has happened to us and you are with Ann and Chris. I know all this information is a lot to take in and you might be thinking that your dad and I might be the bad guys but you would be wrong. Yes, we worked for the people who killed your family but we were not a part of that and didn't learn about it until later. We also may have started our mission out as just a mission but by the time you guys were 3 we knew we couldn't let you go. We loved you guys so much and so we decided to go into hiding and that is why we moved all the time. We met Ann and Chris in one of the towns we stayed in and found out that they knew your family and they wanted to help. Halo didn't know about Ann and Chris so we had them become your Godparents in the case of something happening to your dad and I. Please just know how much we love you guys and wished that you were our blood but none of that mattered to us because you both are our daughters and we are very proud of you both.

Love, Mom

Jupiter and Jolene just stared at the last page of the journal for several minutes. Neither of them knowing what to say or think at the moment. Jolene took one last look before she turned on her heels and walked out the door to go for a run. Jupiter stayed on the bed for a little while longer before she closed the journal and stood up. She had no clue what to think. This situation they are in is something that she never thought was a possibility. She walked to her art area and started painting on the empty canvas on the easel.

Jolene ended up not coming home from her run for a couple of hours, but in the end, the run helped her settle her thoughts. She chose to trust the only parents she knew and to trust Ann and Chris as well. She realized that when Ann and Chris allowed them to learn how to shoot and throw knives it was for us and not just because they wanted us to do more than workout and go mope in our rooms every day. When Jolene got home she went into Jupiter's room and they sat and talked about everything they learned and they both decided that for the next couple of days they were going to work their asses off until they could control their powers.

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