Chapter 4

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Jupiter and Jolene got up at 7 in the morning to go for a 5-mile run and then a strenuous workout. When they finished they decided to go to the shooting range.

Bing bing

"David texted me!" Jupiter said. "He said that he and a couple of his friends are meeting up before his shift around 5."

"Okay let's go hang out! I'm bored anyway." Jolene said getting up off the couch.

Jolene walks into her room after she jumped into the shower. She went to her closet to find an outfit for tonight.

*I need to find the perfect outfit! I need to look hot just in case that hottie, I made out with yesterday, is there tonight. I think I'm going to go with a dress so that narrows it down a little*. Jolene thought.

Jupiter, on the other hand, got out of the shower and went to her closet to find something to wear. She decided to wear a grey shirt with a dark green jacket over it and black capris with holes on them. When she was ready she went into the living room and turned the TV on waiting for Jolene.

When Jolene strolled into the living room she was wearing a dull pink-colored two-piece dress the top was lace and the bottom had a slit up the side.

"Why are you so dressed up?" Jupiter asked.

"No reason I just thought I would look nice," Jolene said. Jupiter shook her head and walked to the door to leave. We decided to take Jupiter's car tonight. Jupiter has a black '67 chevy impala, black.

We hopped in the car and blasted some TØP and sang our hearts out.

"Hey, boos!" David said running up to them.

"Hey!" Jolene said giving David a hug

"I'm good, come meet my friends, I think you'll like them!" David said pulling them by their wrists.

"This is Ethan and Keleigh," David said.

"Hi, I'm Jolene and this is Jupiter," Jolene spoke up first. Jupiter waved and said hi too.

They all went inside and sat near the back of the bar in a round booth. Keleigh sat on the edge and then it was David, Jupiter, and then Ethan and Jolene sat on the other end.

"I'm going to go get drink what does everyone want?" Jolene asked. Everyone told her what they wanted and she walked to the bar. After she ordered the drink she told the bartender where they were sitting and walked back to the booth.

When she got to the booth she was about to sit down when two arms snaked around her waist and someone started kissing her neck. She turned around and it was the guy from last night.

"I'm so sorry but I forgot your name..." Jolene said looking down.

"James, my name is James. What's yours?" He said lifting her head so she was looking into his blue eyes. James was 6'5 and he had muscles but it wasn't excessive.

"Jolene." She said

"Have a seat, Jolene," Ethan said patting the chair next to him and giving James a dirty look. James glanced at Ethan looking pissed as fuck.

"No, she going to sit with me over here," James said as he dragged Jolene over to his table.

"But I want to sit with my friends," Jolene said pouting.

"Too bad. But I have to say you look hot tonight." He said sexily looking her up and down.

"I know," Jolene said looking back at him with a smirk. "Why can't we sit with my friends?"

"I don't like the way that boy is looking at you." He said glancing back at Ethan.

"Are you seriously jealous. We aren't even a thing?" Jolene said rolling her eyes and putting a hand in her hip.

"What if I am, you are a very beautiful girl and I want you. If I see something I want, I take it." James said straight-faced. Jolene just kept looking into his eyes waiting for a hint of humor to show or him to start laughing, but it didn't come. He was completely serious.

Jupiter was having a blast with David and his friends. They all laughed and talked until David had to go bartend around 9:30 but Jupiter was fine with just sitting with Keleigh and Ethan.

It was around 12:50 when Jupiter looked at her phone.

"Shit. We have to go home now my aunt and uncle don't like when we stay out too late." Jupiter said as everyone moved out of her way.

"Okay well, we need to hang out again! Don't forget to say bye to David on your way out." Keleigh said giving Jupiter a wave.

"We do and I will make sure I say bye!" Jupiter said walking over to where Jolene was.

"Jo we need to leave it's almost one in the morning," Jupiter said.

"Okay coming," Jolene said slipping out of the booth with James, but before she could go, He pulled her back and kissed her passionately before he let go of her so she could leave.

Jolene just stood there frozen. She didn't expect to like him as much as she did already. As she stood there she unconsciously took her bottom lip into her mouth and chewed on it.

"I wouldn't do that if you want to go home tonight?" James whispered and then nibbled on her ear lobe. Hi instantly let her lip out of her mouth.

"Umm, Jo we need to go," Jupiter said.

"Uh, yeah.. let's go," Jo replied looking back at a smirking James.

"Hey girls, you leaving?" David asked.

"Yeah, our aunt and uncle will be worried," Jupiter said. "I had a good time though we'll do this again."

"I had fun too. Your friends are cool." Jolene said.

"We know you had fun girly," David said winking at her and looking at James. Jolene blushes and then pulled Jupiter towards the exit.

"You go, girl!" David said laughing.

"I'll make sure to keep you in the loop," Jolene yelled back.

When they got home the house was completely quiet so they just walked into their room and got ready for bed.

"Jolene! You need to tell me about James!" Jupiter whisper yelled walking into Jolene's room. Jo told her everything and they talked until they fell asleep on Jolene's bed.

Mystic GoddessesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon