Life of a Soldier: An Early End

Start from the beginning

Asher sat closest to me, his wild, platinum blonde hair tousled back lazily like he just got out of bed. His expression remained fierce, confident, and daring, and his face was a pale white with a jaw so sharp that it looked like it was cut with a chisel by hand. He was also the most fit between his siblings, and he took great pride in showing off his well-earned toned muscles. Asher tended to be the loudest of the triplets, and he was never afraid to speak his mind. Unfortunately, he wasn't very understanding and always wanted people to have the same opinions as his. With his muscular build and fierce temper, Asher made a great foot soldier.

Arthur was plopped in between his older and younger brother. Curly, taupe hair dangled and coiled in front of his forehead, and his slightly tan skin was dusted with freckles that were earned from working on a farm for so long. He was medium-fit, with an athletic, slim body that made it easy for him to run fast. His powerful chest also showed that he had great endurance. Arthur was obviously built to be in the infantry, but he didn't care for fighting on foot. On his face rested a gentle, understanding smile. He always loved to listen to what people have to say, and he always listened to everyone's opinion before deciding on his own. Arthur preferred fighting on horseback, so he was with Milo and I in Cavalry.

Atlas stayed quiet and sat farthest away from his two older brothers, but he still sat close enough to participate. Atlas' short, straight ginger hair was combed perfectly on his head as if he spent a lot of time to make sure it suited his specific desires. His entire face was covered in thousands of small freckles on his pale skin like his brother Arthur, as were his arms and legs. Atlas always remained the quietest, only talking when he was asked a question. Once you got to know him, though, he became quite talkative. He works well with long-range weapons, so Atlas fit perfectly in the artillery.

The one thing that the three siblings shared was their same eye color: a brilliant shade of jade. Asher kept telling us that the color of their eyes meant something important, but I couldn't determine what.


"What's up, guys?" Asher almost shouted.

"Sh-I mean he," Milo stammered as I shot him a deadly glare. "He was tuckered out after morning drills, so I thought I should cheer him up with a good ole' game of lice racing."

Arthur smiled. "Sounds good to me."

"That was a good idea, Milo," Atlas peeped from the back. "Usually participating in favorite games might distract someone with exhaustion."

Asher rolled his eyes in annoyance as Milo and I took a seat. "Good to know. I bet I'll use this useful information one day."

As if we all knew what happened next, we all began to scratch our heads vigorously all at once.

The little bugs known as lice fell from our heads and into the metal bowl where the race was held.

"Ha! I have more lice than all of you!" I shouted proudly.

"And that makes you proud because...?" Arthur asked me awkwardly, his hand covering his mouth.

I chuckled. "Because I have a higher probability of winning!" I could instantly tell that Atlas' words rubbed off on me.

"Did you catch the Atlas?" Asher chuckled as the lice scurried across the pan.

"I don't think so-" I said before I was interrupted by Milo's shrill cheers.

He smiled happily and leaped into the air. "I won! Pass it in!"

Milo ran around the circle, gladly taking the little money we had in our pockets.

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