Life of a Soldier: Getting Accustomed to Things

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The forgiving sun gently woke me up with its sweet rays warming up my cold, exhausted face. I have just recovered pneumonia, so my entire body was extremely sore. Ever since Milo and I joined the Northern militia, we've been catching more illnesses than we had in our childhood. Whooping cough, tuberculosis, we had it all. I fully recovered from pneumonia just after Milo, so I hoped to see him today.

I slowly stood out of my makeshift bed and slowly slipped into my military uniform: wool jacket, overcoat, and wool pants. I barely held the strength to tie my hair into a bun, and I found a cup of coffee on the floor next to me.

A note next to the small cup read:

I hope you're better, Ev. Even if you are better, you might be a little weak, so here's a nice, warm cup of coffee that will help wake you up and energize you.

Made by me,


I chuckled softly and tucked the small note into my pocket and I reached down to pick up the coffee cup, my back aching in a sore pain.

"Am I getting old, or...?" I chuckled to myself. "Nah. Just still a bit sick."

I finally left the wedge, an A-shaped tent that was held up by a few poles. It wasn't the most luxurious shelter, but it'll make do.


For the many weeks I spent with the Northern army, I questioned if I should keep trying. I questioned if I should keep changing my identity each morning to keep fighting in this ongoing war. Usually, the small arguments I held in my mind usually ended when I mentioned that I was doing all of this for Oliver. I wanted to fulfill his last wish.

I wanted to avenge him, and I didn't care how much blood I had to spill to do so.

Even though Captain let me, a woman, be in the same boat as the Northern troops that were going to aid Anderson's army at Fort Sumter, the Northern Union general didn't tolerate women enlisting in his army.

In order to get into the Union army, I took on the name of Evan Freebourne, which is also the name of my twin brother. I didn't necessarily care, as my name was useless once, and if, I was somehow killed.

For each and every morning, I disguised myself as Evan, or my alternate manly self, so I could remain in the army. I tied my shoulder-length hair into a curly man-bun, and I smeared colored powder on my cheeks to contour my face like a man's. I also often bound my chest tightly with a towel and I made sure to keep my tone of voice deep and low, so I could blend in.

Milo was also held a big part in helping me act more like a man.

"You gotta flex your arm like this," he said one morning. He pulled up his sleeve and flexed his fit bicep, his veins practically leaping from his skin.

I tilted my head in confusion and tried to mimic him. I pulled up my sleeve, releasing my bicep. I was extremely fit for a woman since Oliver's father and I usually travel a lot to gather information on what our next mission should be.

I flexed my toned arm to the best of my ability. "Like this?"

Milo laughed. "Gun show!"

He flexed his arm again, and I rolled my eyes. "I guess I'm a skinny guy then, huh?"

"But a strong one at that," Milo waved his finger at my face to get his point across.


I strolled over to Milo, who was sitting comfortably under a large tree. His legs were crossed, and once he noticed me, he patted the spot next to him.

A Country Divided : Through Blood UnitedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora