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~*A/N*~ Hey guys! Hope everyone is well. I know a lot of people are wanting me to write these faster but I'm having an extremely difficult time writing these really long chapters by losing focus and motivation. I was thinking maybe I could write much shorter chapters and release one or maybe twice a week, or you guys can keep waiting for the long 6-8 page chapters. Let me know what you guys think! Thanks again guys.

Side Note*~ Because I feel like I'm letting you guys down with my own shitty motivation I am rushing through these chapters now so not all the details are included. I just REALLY want to start writing the next book, my Gawd! I'M SO READY TO WRITE IT!


The warm light rushes over my body as my eyes slowly open. The hut fades back into view and the light diminishes. I blink slowly regaining my focus. Heba's fingers slide off the puzzle and his arm returns to his side. He stands up smirking down at me, proudly holding his staff in his grasp. I turn to Seth pushing his arm away from his eyes. He stares blankly at me. I smile at him widely as confusion crosses his features.

"Rise Seth. God has decided to wait. He's giving light a chance." Heba stands before Seth. He props himself onto his elbows looking at us.

"Pardon?" I playfully tug at his wrist making him lose balance for a moment.

"There's still hope Seth. I can still save him." Seth blinks a few times at me.

"Okay, but how exactly? Zorc is a beast of darkness. He wields the strength of a god and is consumed by the hate of Egypt."

"I uh." I stumbled on my words. I hadn't thought of that. "Heba has some knowledge that might be useful in stopping him." Seth looks at Heba.

"Is that true?" Heba simply nods once.

"Come Yugi, there is much to learn and so little time." I nod and follow Heba to the Nile. We sit with our legs crisscrossed on the shore. "First, you must learn to store you energy through meditation. This will allow you to use more of your gift at one time without the fear of draining it completely. I'm sure you know the risks of using all your soul energy." I remember the pain in my stomach when Atemu had forced me to use my power without the puzzle. I was sure I would die. I lost so much blood. I cringe at the thought. I shake off the memory and return to focus to Heba. He presses his fingertips from both hands together, and rests them in his lap in a contemplative position. He closes his eyes as I mimic his actions. "Make sure your back is straight. Let the world around you fade away and harness the strength within." That was easier said then done. I try to ignore the rushing of the river beside me and the distant shuffling feet from the village. I breathe deeply, holding it for a short amount of time before exhaling trying to calm my body. A few silent moments pass as the world quiets around me. "Is there someone you hold dear?" My eyes open at Heba's sudden question. What little concentration I had now gone. His eyes remained closed. I paused for a moment before answering.

"Of course." I waited for him to respond, but only a passing breeze tickled my skin and hissed by my ear. I try to understand the reasoning for why he would ask. Closing my eyes, I thought about it harder. I remember Yami. How I yearned to be held by him just once more. My friends appeared in my mind with smiles. They reached out for me and I could feel the warmth radiating from their bodies. Yami stood in the middle of them. He approached me extending his hand towards me. His hand caressed my cheek gently before it turned into a transparent white light that filled me with hope and love. As the rest of his body changed into light, I wrapped my arms around his waist placing my head against his chest. I absorbed the rest of his being. Like lightening shocking my body, my eyes jolted open. I lay my hands flat on the sand in front of me. I felt, better. The pain in my side was no more. I glided my fingers lightly on my neck where I had been strangled several times. I didn't even flinch. I pulled forward the collar of my robe and inhaled quickly in disbelief. The bruises were gone. I rose up from my feet and examined myself.

The Creator Of LightOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora