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~*A/N*~ Wow two chapters in a row! Things are going to be super epic this time~ Its going to be more intense and stressful then the last book! (SORRY NOT SORRY)

Chapter Three

The water runs red as it drips down my body and the tips of my hair on to the tile flooring. I am silent as two of the young Jewish slave girls I arrived with scrub my skin. The blood stains me. No matter how hard they scrub the stains will remain. None of us speak, but I know we all feel numb. Despair. They never once looked at me. I wondered if they had been torn from their families and forced to watch as they were murdered. I wish I wanted to help them, but I didn't care right now. I couldn't feel anything. I know I have to be strong to save everyone, but I don't think I'll live long enough to be able to do that. The pharaoh requested me to be brought to his chambers after I was finished being purified.

'What a waste of water. He's probably going to kill me anyway.'

One of the girls places a skirt robe on the floor and leaves. The other girl gazes into my eyes for a few seconds before leaving without a word. I remained in the tub a few moments longer before taking a deep breath and exiting. I slip into the skirt robe. Given no shirt, I leave the room where I am immediately accompanied by two guards. They grip my arms tight and pull me down the hall. They notice that I put up no fight and loosen there grip. We halt in front of a room with giant golden doors covered in intricate patterns. One of the men knock on the door.

"The boy is ready for you." I close my eyes as the pharaoh responds.

"Enter." The doors open along with my eyes and I step inside. The door thuds behind me indicating it's just the two of us now. Fear gnaws at my insides at this realization.

"Welcome Yugi." He smirks, sauntering over to me. When I don't respond irritation crosses his face. "Speak."

"Are you going to kill me, Yami?" I stare at his chest not wanting to look into his lustful eyes. He grabs the bottom of my chin ruining my efforts as he forces my gaze into his.

"That is not my name. You may call me Pharaoh or King Atemu." I stare blankly into his eyes. "Do you understand?" He voice becomes more stern. I stand there emotionlessly. His eyebrows furrow and he swiftly slaps me in my mouth. My eyes shut on impact from the sudden attack. The force from his hand snapped my jaw to my right shoulder. I hang my head to the side for a few moments before slowly returning my blank stare to his chest. His face twitches almost into a concerned look.

"What happened to that fighting spirit you had earlier?" I scowl at him and his smirk returns.

"You killed my friend. What did you expect?" He let out an airy laugh. 'I want to see Yami. This man. This monster. He isn't anything like the man I love.'

"Who is this Yami you keep referring me to?" I meet his gaze and I choke on my words. I inhale sharply as I speak.

"It doesn't matter. He's dead." He places a gentle hand on my shoulder.

"Good. Then you can forget about him." The king is quite devious. "And you won't be calling me that again." My eyes narrow at him.

'Just forget about him? How is it possible to forget someone you loved so much you went three thousand years in the past to try to save and then their doppelgänger tells you to just forget them? Not to mention this monster where's the face of the man I love. No, loved.'

I cringe at the thought of me forgetting Yami, but what if I fail in my mission? I never want to forget Yami, but if I can't save him then I have to move on. If I keep correlating Atemu and Yami I'm only going to hurt more. I shudder hard, angry at my thoughts. I clear my mind. I nod at him. He smirks with satisfaction.

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