Chapter 15: Nevermore

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We made it back to the cave a while later and everyone looked worried. "Ari! Thank god you're okay." Macallan said running up to hug me. "Why did you just leave without saying anything?" He asked pulling from the hug. I shrugged and looked down at the ground.

"What the hell happened to you guys, wheres Kane?" Miller asked.

"Pike showed up." I explained. "We were able to turn him in and Kane went with." The group looked a little shocked as we sat down by the fire.

"Hello? Anyone there? Miller, Harper? Anyone. Come in. Its Jasper." We all looked over to were the radio sat on Bells lap.

"Its Bellamy. Whats wrong?" He asked picking up the radio.

"Everyone in Arkadia took a chip and now they are being controlled by something and the chip made Raven slit her wrists open. I got her out while she was still unconscious but everyone was shooting at me. Than Clarke showed up and everything is just not right. Arkadia is not safe anymore." Jasper explained really fast and he was obviously shaken up.

"Wait what, slow down. Clarke's with you?" Bellamy asked. I rolled my eyes with a sigh. Really Bell that's all you got out of that? I mean I know you love Clarke and everything but there are bigger issues here.

"Yes, she came to Arkadia while I was getting Raven out. Where are you guy?" Bellamy gave him the direction to the cave while we all listened.

"I don't understand, the chips Jaha gave out were supposed to help people." Mac said as I sat down next to him.

"I don't understand it either, something about those chips." Monty said.

Sinclair let out a sigh. "We'll know soon enough. Be ready."

Octavia stood up and began packing her small bag. "O wait. You can't just leave." Bellamy said walking over to her.

"Watch me." She snapped.

"You heard what Jasper said on the radio, Arkadia is not safe."

"What Jasper said sounds insane. Pike's gone, I can handle myself. Grounders burn their dead." Octavia said, referring to Lincoln.

"I know that. But then what? Where are you gonna go?"

Octavia glared at him. "You don't get to ask me that Bell."

"What more do I have to do to prove that I am on your side?" He asked, pleading with his little sister.

"Bring Lincoln back." She said walking to the cave opening, but she stopped look back at her brother. "Turing Pike in does not make you one of the good guys Bellamy, you did that to save me." She snapped. "Not because what you thought Pike was doing to the Grounders was wrong."

"The Grounder's were starving us out--"

"Because you massacred an army that was sent to protect us." I looked over at Mac and he seemed uncomfortable, much like the rest of the group.

"That army could of attack us at any time and you know it." Bellamy tried to defend himself.

Octavia moved closer to him raising her voice. "But they didn't attack. You did that, you were hurting and you lashed out because thats what you do. There are consequences Bell, people get hurt, people die, your people. Monroe's dead. Lincoln is dead!" She yelled before walking out of the cave not looking back, Bellamy following right behind her. As soon as they both left we heard the sound of the rover pulling up.

"They're here!" Bryan yelled to us. The rest of us made our way out of the cave and watched as Clarke and Jasper climbed out of the rover.

"I need your help!" Jasper called out to us carrying Raven. "We need to get her inside before she wakes up."

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