Chapter 2: Sector 8

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As we drove through a big filed, I could feel the silent tension between Monty and Jasper. They hadn't been on good terms since Mount Weather, due to Monty helping kill everyone inside, including Maya.

Bellamy grabbed a gun from the bag next to him and handed it to me. I took it carefully and checked how many bullets were in the clip. "Next we're gonna need to get you a guards jacket," Miller commented, ruffling my hair.

"I don't think there's one small enough, that could fit her," Bell teased as I pushed Millers hand away.

Jasper mutter quietly to himself, drowning the rest of us out. Monty leaned up from behind his seat, pull out Jasper's ear phones. "No way. If you're gonna ride shotgun, you can't just disappear," he shot and Jasper plugged the iPod into the radio so the rest of us could hear the music.

Again, Monty went to stop him but Bellamy grabbed his hand. "It's okay. It's a long ride." We sat in silence for a moment, listening to the melody of the music coming through the speakers when Miller started to air drum and bob his head to the beat. He, Jasper and Raven sang along.

"Why can't I get just one kiss, why can I get just one screw, why can I get just one screw. Believe me I know what to do!" they all sang. I smiled and bobbed my head along to the music. Bellamy shook his head, smiling.

Miller grabbed Onto Monty arm, singing to him. "But something won't let me, make love to you."

"Day, after day, I get angry and I will say, that the day is on my side!" Monty and I joined. Jasper stood up from his seat and walked to the hole in the roof of the rover and stood up, throwing his fists in the air and screaming, causing us all to laugh, enjoying this happy moment since it one of few we have. A sudden slow beeping sounded, killing our mood. Raven turned the music off and look at the radar on the dash bored.

"A tracking beaker from the Ark." Monty muttered, getting into the front seat. Raven slowed down to a stop.

"Who is that?" I asked as Jasper sat back down.

Monty's face went pale, "Farm station." My heart dropped. I'm from farm station.

"After four months. How?" Miller questioned.

"We'll find out, where are they?" Bell asked.

Octavia open the back door, I jumped not realizing she had followed us, "Don't tell me I missed the party." I shook my head.

"Sector 8." Monty answered Bellamy's question.

"That's Ice Nation," I pointed out.

"What about it?" Octavia asked.

"Protocol says we go home, let the chancellor deiced what to do next." Raven explained looking to Bellamy, waiting for an order from him.

"Screw protocol, the chancellors not from farm station. Monty and Ari are, so is Millers boyfriend. It's your call," Bellamy said turning to us.

"Let's do this." Monty said looking back at us from his seat. Bell looked to Miller and I.

"Do you have to ask," He sass. I just nodded my head, I was nervous to see what we might find at farm station. Apart of me was hoping my mother survived the trip, but a larger part was hoping she was dead since it was her fault I was locked up on the Ark in the first place.

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