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I wanted to write more for katherin e backstory but I stopped myself aha well this ones all about katherine. i like doing flashbacks. Might do some more. Well hope you enjoy.

[Sarahs POV]

We all, Stephen, Katherine and I, all walked over to a booth. I was honestly scared of what Katherine was. She wasn’t human or she would of just said that. ‘what do you think’ I asked Stephen. I looked over to see if he heard me, and he did.

not my problem, she’s your sister, you should hear it from her’ Stephen knew, or had a hunch of what she was. I saw my sister wave over the bar tender.

“Can we get a round” She asked the woman. The bar tender was wearing a red dress, it was actually a very nice dress.

“Yea, coming right up.” She said and turned and walked over to the bar to get the drinks.

“So you were saying?” I asked trying to not talk super loud. I stayed over at her house last night and all we did was catch up, she seemed pretty human or a tomorrow person, but now that I know she’s not. I honestly don’t think I can stay with her. I don’t even know if  can stay at Ultra. I mean, I miss Russell a lot and john. Well I miss everyone there, maybe I’ll sneak away and leave I don’t know.

“I’ll start from the start. A few years ago I got caught using my powers by Jedikiah, he brought me into Ultra, put me into the chair. He was about to give me the needle, you know I was struggling to get out and we got interrupted by John- ”Stephen cut her off.

“John Young?” He asked. As the bartender walked back over and gave us our beers, we all took a sip.

Katherine looked over at him, “Yes, now don’t interrupt. John came in and mentioned the Cydadome and that some of the breakouts escaped. They walked away and talked, I couldn’t hear what they were saying. A few minutes later Jed called a guard in and he walked over to me and gave me a sedative. The next thing I know, I was locked in a box. I was at the Cydadome. I was there for maybe 3 months before I saw Jedikiah again.”


*So Katherine will still be telling this to Sarah and Stephen I just wanted to do a flash back to help you readers understand it better, well here you go*

I was laying down on the floor in my cell reading The Maze Runner, I was on chapter 10 just when the girl comes into the maze. I heard the doors open and I realized that it wasn’t time for them to come and get us. I closed my book and hid it under my blanket. I walked over to the glass door and I saw Jedikiah. I noticed everyone else here looked scared of him. I’ve only seen him once before. I don’t know if I should be scared. Jedikiah and a guard walked over to my cage, I knew right then what was coming. He opened the little door for me to put my hands out, and I did. He put the cuffs on me then opened the door of the cage. I just stood there.

“Well come on dear, Im not that scary.” Jedikiah looked down at a note book he was holding and wrote something down.

“Well ya’know that’s not what I’ve heard.” I replied in my snarky tone. The guard reached for his tazzer, Jedikiah stopped him.

“You know why I’m here, because I chose you out of all these people to try this new experiment, and I think you will love it.” He waved me down, so I followed now. Everyone was looking at us. We walked into the room with the chair I got put into it and got strapped down.

“What is it?” I asked him. A scientist walked in and brought a tray, it had the cur on struggled to get out, “what are you doing.” I was nervous now. The scientist walked over to my and picked up the needle, I kept struggling but I knew I couldn’t get lose. He pushed my heard over to the side to expose my neck and then stabbed me with it. I could feel it over taking my body. I felt like someone was setting my body on fire over and over. Everything was a blur, the pain was over whelming. I woke up later on Jedikiah was talking to John outside. I moaned and looked around. There was a red liquid on the table now, with a needle. John looked in and saw me awake, then Jedikiah opened the door and they both walked in.

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