Getting to Know Me

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Hey, I'm Sarah Glingwood I am 15 years old, I have been in the foster system for 13 years.. I honestly do not remember my parents. They died in a plane accident in 2000. For the past 3 years I've been living in a foster home being abused, physically and mentally. I have called the police about 5 times just in the past year, but they've don’t fuck all in the situation. About 2 weeks ago i started sleep walking every night, i used to sleep walk but not this bad. I have been hearing voices; it's gotten so bad I haven't been in school for the past week. Kind of sucks right? I guess, wait till you see what i can really do with these 'powers' of mine..  Well keep reading and you'll get to know me even more :)

*Tuesday, February 17 2014*

"SARAH WHY THE FUCK AREN'T YOU UP AND READY YET," Steve screamed at me as he through a bucket of water on top of me.

I groaned, "Do I have to go?"

"What you think I pay for you're education so you can sit on you ass and get high all the time." He slammed the door behind him. 'What was she raised in a barn' 

Oh yeah I realised I can read minds so I guess I’m not that crazy... I sighed and got up. I headed over too the bathroom, got undressed and looked in the mirror. I looked on my back, cuts from Steve. He hits my with a bat if I come home high or drunk. I looked around the rest of my body, bruises everywhere. Wonder when the fuck this abuse will end... I started the shower and waited till it was hot enough, I got in washed my hair, my body, etc. I got dressed for my first day back in over a week. Took my meds, oh yeah did I forget I have 'anti psychotics’' pills... Yeah sucks.

"Hurry up unless you want to walk!" Steve yelled from downstairs.

"Coming" I grabbed my bag and went out to the car. 

"Are you going to go to class today?" Clair asked, she’s Steve’s wife, doesn't give a fuck about me.

"Suree why not," as I plugged in my head phones.

'I cant believe her, she treats like nothing when we give her everything' Clair thought.

Can't wait to leave this shit hole. The car pulled up to the school, i jumped out.

"Bye" Yelled Clair.

Yeah what ever bitch. I opened the front door of the school; the loudness of people came rushing at me. Kill me now. Walk down the hall to my locker. 23 04 and 13 my locker opened. Wait what class do I have first again.. Ugh I opened my planner, science room 147. I grabbed my science textbook and binder, locked up my locker and went to class. The bell rand just as i got into class. I looked around.. Where to sit where to sit... The only empty seat was beside Stephen Jameson, he’s a schizophrenic.. Yay, sitting beside the freak. 

'Hey, look whose back." He smiled as I sat down. 

And now i have to talk to people, "Yeah I was uhm sick." opening my binder trying to block out all the thoughts. I honestly don't know if i will ever be able to control this but its going to give me a massive head ach if i keep having to deal with this.. I started tapping my fingers. 

'Are you okay'  Stephen said

"Yeah, I'm fine.' I mumbled.

“I didn't say anything.." Fuck, hopefully he doesn't catch on..

"Oh well uhm never mind then." I'm so stupid.

'So you're like me, you can read my mind right now right.' I tried to ignore him. 'I know you can hear me' 

"What the fuck do you want? Just leave me alone i have enough to deal with already" I reached in my bag and pulled about a pain killer and took two.

"There's a place where people like use can be, well-" Teacher cut him off.

"Stephen am I interrupting something" Everyone in class laughed. 

The whole class went by and Stephen didn't say another word to me. Once the bell rang I tried to get away from Stephen. I went to the smoke pit to have a cigarette, and he followed me. I lit my smoke took a puff as he walked up to me.

"So are you going to think about what I said?" So you want me to think about joining you cult..

"Yeah, no thanks." I took a puff of my smoke.

"It's not a cult. Its group of people like us. Where we're safe." and he's getting annoyed, good. 

"Well why aren't we safe?" I'm confused now.

"See this is why you need me. There's a group out in the world, they're called Ultra a secret organization that hunts people like us, the place I told you about is like a safe haven for people like us." I took my last puff and stopped out my smoke.

Yeah I'm not going back to class. "Well that’s fun, I'm not going to class, have to go catch the train. Bye." I just left without saying another word.


Well idk if this is any good. its bassed off the tv show The Tomorrow People.

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